Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It Is Greener On The Other Side

"I will get up and go to my father..."(Luke 15:18)

Standing ankle deep in mud at work one day, a thought came to mind...it must have looked so much better on the outside of that pig pen, than it did for the prodigal son on the inside. He had wished his father dead, taken his inheritance, blew it all on wild living...now broke and  friendless he found himself ankle deep in mud, and neck deep in hopelessness and despair.
The only thing that could save him from this mess was getting up out of that pen, out of the mud, out of the mindset that there is no way out and no forgiveness, then head back to his father. 

We as Christians often find ourselves in situations where we have left our Father, where we have walked away from His side out from under His protective wing, in search of what we think is better or more satisfying, only to find out that we have traded precious jewels for miry mud. What's so sad is, that often it takes so long for some to notice the mess that they are in, until it is hard to tell if they are a son or a pig.
We have to make a decision that when we fall, we don't wallow in our self pity, but we, get up and go to our Father, realizing that nothing is better or more satisfying than being in the presents and the favor of our loving God. 

So is the grass greener on the other side of the fence? It always is when you are standing in pig crap.


"God of This City"