Saturday, October 29, 2011

What No Tears?

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
(Romans 6:23)

(After reading, check out movie trailer below for "October Baby")

Through the years of ministry that God has allowed me to be involved in, I’ve seen several styles of witnessing, some effective & some not so much. Some from a heart of compassion & love, some from a “holier than thou” heart & some from what seemed like a heart that wanted that person to go to Hell if they didn’t accept Christ. Now as a Bible believing Christian I fully understand that if a person dies without accepting Christ, he or she will spend an eternity in Hell. But I do not understand a person, who would call themselves a follower of Jesus Christ that would be happy that someone would enter into an eternity without God, with the attitude “If they turn down God, then that’s what they get, good riddance”.

D.L. Moody said that "When we preach on Hell, we might at least do it with tears in our eyes." C. H. Surgeon said "If sinners be dammed, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for." Moody & Spurgeon some of the greatest pastors to ever live, had the heart for the lost that we all should have. They not only prayed for their conversion, but they wept at the thought of someone missing out on experiencing an eternity with God. Their hearts were as stern about Hell as Christ’s, but also as tender as Christ’s on the thought of someone’s death without salvation. It makes me sick to see someone with the attitude of “well that’s what they get”.

We have to remember that non-believers are lost sheep, lost sheep to be lead to Christ, not driven like cattle. We do not need to ever reveal to someone that “…the wages of sin is death…” & never reveal that “…the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” We need to…we have to share that the wages of sin is death, but what use is it to even share that fact without backing it up with the most important & the whole reason for that verse…that the gift of God, the grace that we don’t deserve, Jesus Christ, is eternal life.

Have a heart for those you witness to, or do not witness at all.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Truth From The Pit

"No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."
(2 Corinthians 11:14)

(After this blog, check out new video below)

Warning do not try this at home...I'm not a professional!!!!!

While getting ready for work this morning I was in search of the deodorant, but quickly realized that both sticks were gone. My wife had taken one when she went out of town & my son had the other at the beach, which left me scrambling for a backup. While running from bathroom to bathroom I noticed, what looked like the deodorant container that we had received while in the hospital many years ago, (we throw nothing away). So I shook up the roll-on deo & coated the pits quickly, I was running late & had to make some coffee for the road.

I ran into the kitchen & started the coffee when I realized that my arm pits felt like I had walked on crutches for seventy miles…they were burning & felt raw. The pain was almost unbearable…it felt like some kind of Vietnam torture was going on in the axilla area of my body. Almost in tears I rushed into the bathroom, grabbed the hospital deodorant to see if there was some sort of expiration date or side effects that could cause such agony, when I realized, to my utter amazement, that the container that I had rolled up under my arm to keep me fresh, was Bio-Freeze. I don’t know what you know about Bio-Freeze, but it is for sore muscles, kind of a liquefied, very, very, did I mention very strong acting Ben-gay. I also found out that you can not wash it off & whatever amount of water you put on it to stop the burning is equivalent to putting out a fire with a bucket of gasoline.

As weird as it is, while walking around with my arms over my head praying for the pain to go away, I was reminded of how Satan deceives. In 2 Corinthians we see that "Satan disguises himself as an angel of light". In some cases we find ourselves following after him in search of our needs & end up with nothing but trouble with our spiritual arms over our head praying for help. We were deceived...still our fault...but none the less deceived.

I can't blame the Bio-Freeze, it just looked like what I needed, I didn't check it out, I just grabbed it up & used it. Many times we can't blame anyone but ourselves, not even Satan, for sin coming into our lives. James 1 says "But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death." It tells us that it is our fault, then goes on to say, "Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change". Notice the difference in James 1 & First Corinthians 11, James states "The Father of lights" then in First Corinthians its says "Satan disguises himself as an angel of light", Satan disguises himself...he is not light, God is, Satan has to pretend to be light in order to deceive us. He can't do it when he is himself...only when he is disquised. We just have to be on the watch & ready at all times.

By the way, using Bio-Freeze is very, very painful...but the best deodorant that I've ever used. It's a man's deodorant, not for the weak.


"God of This City"