Wednesday, July 25, 2012


For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world— our faith.
(1 John 5:4)

As Christians we often find ourselves in situations where we feel defeated, out numbered & somewhat surrounded by the sin, destruction & decay of the world. We almost see the world around us as too overwhelming to fight against. Like we have lost the battle & the war. Maybe it's a loved one who seems to be away from God, a sin you struggle with, persecution of your faith, a feeling that this world is too far gone to save, etc... But I heard it said once that "We are not fighting to get to victory, but fighting as victors." I don't think we look at life from that angle like we should. 

In the story of Gideon in Judges 7:1-25, Gideon is called to lead God's people against the huge army of Midian that numbered about 135,000. The crazy thing was God reduced Gideon's army down to 300 from 32,000. Thirty two thousand would have been too small, much less 300. But Gideon & his men would soon find out that they wouldn't have to fight at all...God was going to fight for them, & He did. Gideon, like us, was fighting his battle from the standpoint of a victor, not fighting to become a victor. 

God tells us in 1 John 5:4 that if we are "born of God" that we are victors over the world for that reason alone. It's nothing we did, but that God did through Jesus Christ. We are now victors over, sin, death, destruction, persecution, etc... we  don't have to fear the world, we are already victors over it. In other words we have already won the war, so the battles no longer need to exist. Often, the battles that exist are only there because we let them be. For example: If we entertain sin, then the battle begins. But the battle ends when we go to God & realize, that that battle never had to take place...just keep sin where it needs to be...out of our lives. 

Does that mean that we can tamper with sin & then just ask for forgiveness & be fine, because we are victors? No, not at all...because with every battle (especially the ones we take on alone, & when we dive into sin, we go alone)...there are casualties & in every sin there are consequences. 

I guess what we need to keep in mind is, that we will go through troubles & have temptations, but with them all, if we are saved, we are already victorious. So deal with everything as if you have victory over it already. "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)


"God of This City"