Saturday, May 23, 2015

FaceTime Fellowship

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." (Hebrews 10:24-25)

I've worked with youth in some shape form or fashion for the last 20 years. I truly enjoy being around the students and have always felt called to teaching and preaching to them. I've tried teaching in an adult class and honestly, it's boring. LOL
The students just light up, when they get it, when it clicks. It's awesome to see them get a Biblical truth and their eyes light up. 

There's another reason I truly like teaching never know what will happen during class. A few Sundays ago I experienced what Hebrews 10:24-25 speaks of. 

Just before I was about to start Sunday School, I got a text from Cameron Calloway one of our students. He asked if he could FaceTime me. I have never FaceTimed and didn't truly know why he would want to FaceTime me when we were about to start class. But I said sure you can. Now I'm setting in front of our youth group and Cam FaceTimes me. He is at home sick and wants to be in Sunday School. So I let different kids hold my phone...or Cam, so he could set in on class. It was hilarious, but also inspiring. 

Wouldn't it be awesome if all of us wanted to be with our brothers and sisters in Christ so much so that we would FaceTime if we couldn't be there? What if we all had that hunger to be with other Christians and to study God's word? That's what Hebrews is talking about. Don't forsake the time when Christians come together in The worship of our savior. 

See why I like teaching youth? When most will stay out if it's raining too hard, a youth will come in by phone when they are sick. We all need that hunger for Christian fellowship. 

Thanks Cam, that really inspired me. 


"God of This City"