Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Naked Job

 "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD."  (Job 1:21)

Who are you? What makes you…you? Ever really thought about it? 

Maybe you are a great athlete, good at the sport you play. Maybe you are an amazing student, with a very high IQ. Maybe you are both.

Maybe you are a hard worker. Maybe a strong business person who is headed up the corporate ladder like a rocket. Maybe the CEO or owner of a successful company. 

Maybe you have the  "He/She who dies with the most toys wins" attitude. You take pride in your home, your cars, your clothes. You may act humble, but inside, you just like to show off what you got.

Maybe you are a Health enthusiast. Maybe you love the feeling of feeling good, working out, eating healthy and showing of your bod on the beach. 

Maybe you are a preacher. Maybe you can break scripture down, making it exciting and understandable. Maybe you are loved by all those who are in your congregation.

Maybe you are a parent, a mom or dad. Proud of your children and all that they are. Maybe your chest couldn’t  be more puffed up or your heart more swollen up with love for those children. You are so thankful for the  joy and warmth they bring to you. 

Maybe you are even better, a grandparent! The  love you have for your grandchildren is so strong.  You  take pride in them and drive people crazy with all the pics you show them at the drop of a hat. 

What is it that makes you, you? What do you do? What do you own? Who are your kids or grandkids? Who would you be…if it was all gone? That's what happened to Job.

Think for a moment. Think what it would be like if in just a short amount of time, you had nothing. You were standing naked before God, all of what you find your identity in has been taken away. Your home, your car, your job, your things, your children and your health…gone. Hard to imagine, right? But do for a second, imagine it. Who would you be? Who are you,  when “you”, is all there is? 

Job lost it all, no one to give him comfort, no one to make it better. He had his times, but one thing remained the same, Job’s trust in God. Yea at times he struggled with understanding, but he always came back to the only thing that would never leave him and couldn't be taken away…God.

 Job learned to find his identity in God and God alone. Job learned that God was all he really had and all He really needed. Do you realize that? Do you find your identity in anything other than God? 


"God of This City"