Monday, July 27, 2009

Worldwide Tug-of-War

An old man was sitting & watching a little boy play in a vacant lot. The little boy was pulling on a large weed growing right up in the middle of the lot. The little boy would pull on one side, then on the other, pulling as hard as he could. This show went on for about 15 minutes or so, when all of a sudden with a might hard pull & a loud grunt the weed gave way root & all, the man watched the little boy do a back flip & then said to him, “Son that sure was a mighty big pull” The little boy replied, “Well, the whole world was pullin’ against me!”

Do you ever fell like this little boy? Do you ever feel like the whole world is pulling against you? Sometimes I do. But when I do I think about what Jesus said to His disciples. Jesus told them that they may believe now, but later on they would run into to some troubles, truly worse troubles than we can even imagine, but listen to what Jesus told them (in John 16:33), He saidIn the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” I’m not a big fan of the NIV, but I do like the way that it Phrases this verse…“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus said that we are going to have troubles…be prepared for that, but don’t worry about it…He’s already got it handled. Let Him handle your weeds.


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