Tuesday, August 11, 2009


“The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.”
(Psalm 23:1)

I Goggled Psalm 23, seven hundred & eighty seven results, everything from posters to a cute video of some little kid quoting the Psalm to some play called “Bat Boy”…don’t know how that got in the mix, but it seems that everyone loves to use this chapter or some of the verses in it. They love to put it on Jewelry, bumper stickers, tattoos, signs at a sporting event, on a Facebook page, ect...

Psalm 23 is full of awesome verses that would help people through out there life, like:

"I shall not want.”
“He restores my soul”
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil”
“My cup overflows”
“Surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life”

Theses verses look great on the posters & tattoos, but they are not for everyone. 
What???? They're not for everyone? That’s ridicules, they're not for everyone?!

Well they're not. See you have to get by the first part of the first verse of Psalm 23, before the rest will apply to you.

“The LORD is my shepherd…” catch that, “The Lord is MY shepherd…” see by the capital “M” & “Y”, that I’m emphasizing the word “My”. If He, being Jesus, is not your shepherd, then He is none of the other to you. That sounds mean, but it’s not meant to be, it’s just truth.

Jesus in John 10:14 says “I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me…” Jesus says that His sheep, His people will know Him & He knows them. He knows & you know whether or not you are His own. I can look at your fruit, but only you & Jesus know for sure if you are saved or not. But people can look at your life & see what you believe. 

On down in verse 27, Jesus goes on to say, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me…” Jesus’ true sheep follow Him. Are you following Jesus today? Is He your shepherd? When He becomes your shepherd, Psalm 23 becomes so simple & so sweet…it will be a chapter of pure comfort. I heard a pastor once say that this chapter was short & to the point, it was “Sublimely simple & simply sublime”. It means so much when Jesus is truly your good shepherd. Make Him yours today.


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