Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jesus Is In the Jelly?

“For Your lovingkindness is great to the heavens and Your truth to the clouds.”
(Psalm 57:10)

J. Vernon McGee once told the story of a teacher who asked her young Sunday school class, what the difference was between “kindness” & “lovingkindness”. A six year old little girl raised her hand & said, “Kindness, is when I ask my mommy for a piece of toast & she gives it to me. Lovingkindness, is when I ask my mommy for a piece of toast & she adds jelly without me even asking”. 

Now that’s a great description of what lovingkindness truly is, it may even be the best description, next to Romans 5:8-9.  See, we didn’t have to ask God to make a way for us…He just did it.

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him” 
(Romans 5:8-9).

Because of His great love for us, not just us as in church people, or just white people or just Black people, or just the Jewish people or any other group, but the whole world…“For God so loved the world”. 

Have you ever really sat & thought about that, “…the world”? Could God have meant the whole human race? Yes, while we were sinners, he died for us, not because we were good folk, but while we were rotten & filthy, with our backs turned to Him. God’s love was given to us, while we were sinners, without us even having to ask. Now that’s lovingkindness. 


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