Wednesday, October 7, 2009


“…that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man…”
(Ephesians 3:16)

Dreaming that I was a big movie star with the paparazzi flashing photos of me as I ran out of my favorite restaurant quickly went away when a loud boom of thunder along with more flashes of lightning woke me up awhile back. I woke up just in time to notice the ceiling fan slowly coming to a stop…yep, my power was out. I got up & stumbled through the darkness looking for the flashlight that I keep somewhere in the house for just these type of emergencies. I finally found it, then found my cell phone, called the power company, then set the alarm on my phone & went back to bed.

As I was lying there I started thinking about how dark & quiet it was, everything was almost lifeless, well all except for the nervous Shitzu that had nudged right up against me shaking like she was swallowing razor blades, but other than that the house seemed dead. The only life it seemed was outside. The booming thunder, the flashing lightning, the pouring rain & gusts of wind made me realize that God is so unbelievably powerful.

In Ephesians 3:16, Paul reminds us that the Holy Spirit who dwells inside all believers…is God & His power. Lying in bed I thought of what an unsaved person must feel like: No God, no power, just dark & lifeless inside, only seeing the power of God…but never experiencing it.

The next thing I knew I was waking up to my phone alarm, I got up flipped on the light & oh yea…power! Not just outside, but inside as well. That’s what happens when we wake up & accept Jesus; we are filled with His power & illuminated with his wonderful light.
Is your power on? If not, come to Christ for salvation, (Romans 10:9)


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"God of This City"