Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Gospel from a Sicko

“It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick.”
(Matthew 9:12)

As I sat in a packed waiting room at a local doctor’s office with my head felling like someone stuffed a bag of cotton balls up my nose, I couldn’t help but think about the time when Jesus was questioned by the Pharisees while at Matthew’s house, about why He was eating with tax collectors & sinners. Now my first question to them would have been, “Why are you guys here? Aren’t you hanging out with the same people?” I mean they were at Matthew’s house. But Jesus didn’t say that, He is much deeper than me…thank goodness. Jesus said "It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick.” This became I guess really evident to me as I sat in that waiting room. I started to notice that there wasn’t a well person there...except for this one guy, but he was there to bring his sick son to the doctor.

Some that were there, looked very sick, some didn’t. Some came at the first sign of their sickness, others like me, tried to take care of it themselves first & when it didn’t work then they came. The little boy that was there was swearing that he wasn’t sick at all. Never the less we were all there seeking the doctor for a cure no matter how we got there.

When we look at it we all need the Great Physician, we all need to be cured. Some understand that & have already come. Others are trying to handle it themselves & still some are denying that they have a problem at all. We all have to come to Jesus for the cure & when we are cured, we can bring others who are sick, so that they too can receive the purifying cure that Jesus, the Great Physician has for us all. Jesus is the only one that has ever been able to & will ever be able to truly furnish “universal healthcare”.


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