Tuesday, December 8, 2009

God Is Snow Good

“Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;
Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”
(Psalm 51:7)

“Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe, sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.” These were the words that we were singing when it really hit me hard, that Jesus made my sins white as snow, a sight that I was fortunate enough to see Saturday morning when I walked out of my cabin in Mentone while on a youth retreat prior to that nights worship service.

The snow had covered the roof tops, the cars, dusted the ground, but what I noticed most was the old treated lumber benches that were right in the middle of the camp around the campfire. They were covered in about a half inch of snow. They looked like they were brand new, beautifully white with not one blemish, like they had been refinished with a solid white covering. The night before they were dirty, weathered & obviously used, but that morning they look brand spanking new. I thought of that as I sang “Jesus Paid It All” & man it brought me to my knees, because so often I forget what God really did for me when He saved me.

There were two friends of mine on this trip as counselors who had attended youth trips with me when we were in the youth together at this same church we attend today; I really started to think about what & who I was as a youth. I wasn’t saved; I was a punk, with a bad attitude. I went on youth trips & could have cared less about God or the price He paid for my soul. But even then Jesus died for me, He changed my life completely, He made me new, He washed me white as snow…or as the scripture states…“Whiter than snow”…God is good. Hopefully this will remind you of how good He has been to you, the way He reminded me with a song & a little frozen precipitation.


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