Friday, June 4, 2010

Kill The Epaulets

"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. "

(Ephesians 6:11)

They say that the Battle of Saratoga may have very well been the turning point of the Revolutionary war, due to a group of men called Morgan’s Rifles, lead by Daniel Morgan a man who by all means was a great sharp shooter. It’s said that they did not miss what their sights were focused on.

During that battle Morgan & his men were fighting the British when it’s said that Morgan gave an odd command:

“Forget the poor fellow that fights for six pence a day, and concentrate your fire on the epaulets”.

An Epaulet is the shoulder decorations that the British commanders would normally wear on their jackets. What Morgan was saying was…take out the leaders. That’s what made the difference in the Battle of Saratoga & may have made the turn in the Revolutionary War…the loss of too many commanders. Now I find that to be a good thing & I am by no means comparing Daniel Morgan to Satan, but what was done in that battle is exactly what Satan does to the Church…focuses his fire on the leaders, the ones who take a stand, the ones who are doing something for Christ. Satan says, “We can’t shoot at all of them…shoot at the leaders, hit those who are taking a stand, those who are making a difference.”

There’s a saying that “The ferocity of Satan’s attacks on you are in direct proportion to your potential usefulness for Jesus Christ”. Are you leading? Are you making a difference? Are Satan’s attacks becoming ferocious?

So how do you protect yourself from those attacks? By every day making sure that through a time spent with God, that you put on the "full armor of God". It's simple, the closer your walk with God the more and easier He can and will take care of you. God wants you close so He can walk with you through this life. So that it is His strength that you are relying on and not your own. Satan is more powerful than you...but not your Father. 


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