Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Fixer Upper

"You were bought at a price."
(1 Corinthians 6:20)

When a person purchases what they often call a "fixer upper" house, they expect to have to do a good bit of renovations. A lot of scraping paint, caulking, removing old lumber & replacing it with new, ripping out old carpet, replacing sheetrock, remove old light fixtures, install new trim, a lot of repainting, heck They may have to totally gut the whole house & start over to renovate the purchased home...just depends on how bad off it is. But even through all of that, the owner doesn't want to destroy that house, but to make that house something of worth, something of value, their intent is not to destroy the house, but to restore it to its former glory or better. They see the potential in what most people would give up on & mow down.

When God purchases us, He may have to pull off some old boards, He may have to scrape off some old paint, He even may have to totally gut out our lives, to renovate us, but He doesn't want to destroy us...His intentions are for us to become someone who will glorify His name to make us someone of spiritual value, someone of spiritual worth.

This came to me during a fundraiser for a friend's ministry that God has placed on his heart. The ministry is called Renovation Ministries, please take the time to check out the website & follow God in how He may want you to get involved in helping them renovate the lives of those who God loves & most have given up on.


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