Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lost Baggage

"...and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod's household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means.”

(Luke 8:1-3)

I’ve always loved the story of the lady who came to the Pharisee’s house and used her tears and hair to wash Jesus’ feet, then anoints His feet with some alabaster oil. The lady is described as a “sinner” in the story. A “sinner” that the Pharisees condemned and Jesus forgave.

But the neat thing for me is the short section in the next chapter, verses 1-3, it tells of others that followed Jesus, specifically some of the women. It says, “…also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities”. It mentions by name Mary, called Magdalene, tells that she had been freed from not one but seven demons. Joanna, she was the wife of the household manager for Herod, who was one evil dude. You didn’t get a position in his house without having to do some twisted things.

I’ve always thought it would be cool to see a list of names of the people that Jesus allowed to follow him as He traveled around. A list of names and out beside of them, the things that they had done in their lives. Not to judge them, but to see who Jesus truly was and who he traveled with. I mean today, we would consider these women that were named her to have what some might call baggage…baggage that we often in the church have a problem with. Jesus, He had no problem with baggage…unless it was carry-on. Jesus encouraged us to leave our baggage behind. Check it at the gate and skip baggage it on another flight…lose it…let it go.

You don’t need that baggage when on the journey with Jesus…there’s nothing in them that you need. You don’t need those old regrets, mistakes, past troubles or lusts. No need to pack those broken promises, broken hearts, bad memories or grudges. Leave them behind. Did these ladies have baggage? Yes! Do we? Yes, all of us.

When on journey with Jesus all we need to take is our map & our one-way ticket…good thing is He purchased them for us. Yep, it’s a free trip & He will provide all you need to make it to your destination. So drop the bags and join Him. Leave your past behind you and set out on an unbelievable trip with Jesus.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Small Things

“Success in life is founded upon attention to the small things rather than to the large things; to the everyday things nearest to us rather than to the things that are remote and uncommon.”

(Booker T. Washington)

I was talking in a coffee shop with a good friend one night, he was bubbling & glowing when he spoke about his marriage. He told me how he had gotten home early & fixed dinner for his wife one evening…not planned, just did it. Her reaction, the look on her face & the heartfelt thank you was worth it. He followed that story up with a time when he was very sick, had come in from work & just crashed in his recliner & fell asleep. He awoke to his wife removing his shoes. She knew he was worn out & sick & wanted to make him comfortable. Then he looked at me with excitement & said, “It’s the little things”.

It is the little things. The things we often overlook. The things that we say don’t mean a whole lot; the things that make us smile bigger than a new house or car. The things that money can’t buy, but often purchase memories that last forever. The things that can build or destroy a relationship are little things that really should be the big ones.

After he said that, I scanned the room with that thought in mind. Saw a young couple sitting side by side, he had his laptop checking out the comments he just got from his “too funny” post on his favorite networking site…while his date rested her head on her hand with the look in her eyes like she was at a 3 hour soil conservation lecture. What a great time for the small things to have shown up.

While scanning, I saw another couple, both gazing into their phones like they were watching the return of Jesus on YouTube. Don’t think they ever looked up unless they were taking a sip of their Grande Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel drizzle, they also both drank with their pinkies out. Yep you guessed it, another good place for the small things.

Then I saw a couple come in, they sat down with their favorite drink in one hand & each other’s hand, in the other. No electronic devices present, no recognition of a funny wall post or a cute tweet or even that the place was packed…but a lot of verbal communication & eye contact, as well as a whole lot of small things.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Give It Again

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
(Ephesians 2:8-9)

(Check-out new movie trailer below)

Yea…you’ve don’t it…admit it. You’ve received a gift on a birthday or at Christmas, most of the time it’s at Christmas. You have a party to attend that night & oops, you forgot to buy a gift…“Hey what about that tie that Uncle Bill gave me; you know the one with the fishing Santa” or “What about that make-up kit that Aunt Sally gave me, yea the Tammy Faye starter kit”. You take it, rewrap it, re-transport it to the next sucker…I mean loved one, then you do the unthinkable…yea that’s right, you re-gift it. COME ON!!!! YES YOU HAVE TOO!!!

But, if you are one of those really good people, a Mother Teresa type, who have never re-gifted, I pray that you have or will re-gift in the area that it is totally acceptable & totally expected by Christ, the area of sharing the good news of Jesus, the gift of God. The great thing about this re-gift is that it is priceless. I mean, who re-gifts something that is priceless? It’s not a glow-in-the -dark Garden Gnome, a Shrek Chia Pet or a gift certificate to the newest diet craze…it’s the Way, the Truth & the Life. It’s wisdom, the bread of life, the living water, the light of the world, the rock, the King of king & Lord of lords, a refuge from the storm & our salvation…this gift of God…it is Jesus. So re-gift away.


"God of This City"