Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lost Baggage

"...and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod's household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means.”

(Luke 8:1-3)

I’ve always loved the story of the lady who came to the Pharisee’s house and used her tears and hair to wash Jesus’ feet, then anoints His feet with some alabaster oil. The lady is described as a “sinner” in the story. A “sinner” that the Pharisees condemned and Jesus forgave.

But the neat thing for me is the short section in the next chapter, verses 1-3, it tells of others that followed Jesus, specifically some of the women. It says, “…also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities”. It mentions by name Mary, called Magdalene, tells that she had been freed from not one but seven demons. Joanna, she was the wife of the household manager for Herod, who was one evil dude. You didn’t get a position in his house without having to do some twisted things.

I’ve always thought it would be cool to see a list of names of the people that Jesus allowed to follow him as He traveled around. A list of names and out beside of them, the things that they had done in their lives. Not to judge them, but to see who Jesus truly was and who he traveled with. I mean today, we would consider these women that were named her to have what some might call baggage…baggage that we often in the church have a problem with. Jesus, He had no problem with baggage…unless it was carry-on. Jesus encouraged us to leave our baggage behind. Check it at the gate and skip baggage it on another flight…lose it…let it go.

You don’t need that baggage when on the journey with Jesus…there’s nothing in them that you need. You don’t need those old regrets, mistakes, past troubles or lusts. No need to pack those broken promises, broken hearts, bad memories or grudges. Leave them behind. Did these ladies have baggage? Yes! Do we? Yes, all of us.

When on journey with Jesus all we need to take is our map & our one-way ticket…good thing is He purchased them for us. Yep, it’s a free trip & He will provide all you need to make it to your destination. So drop the bags and join Him. Leave your past behind you and set out on an unbelievable trip with Jesus.


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