Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nothing But A Slab

“For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
(1 Corinthians 3:11)

Back in 2011 Alabama experienced some deadly, destructive tornados which left many with homes & lives totally destroyed. Driving around in theses areas was scary, when you thought about how massive & fast the destruction was. One place that I have had to visit often due to my job in building materials, was a small area called Shoal Creek Valley just north of Pell City Alabama. Shoal Creek Valley is on county road 22, a long strip through what use to be a beautiful valley, until the tornado left twisted trees, scattered debris, concrete slabs where there use to be homes & broken hearts.

While driving through I would always be amazed at the concrete slabs that were often the only reminders of a home ever existing in that place. It made me think about foundations, now our company also pours foundations, but that’s not what I mean. I was thinking about spiritual foundations. 

How often our lives are up & blown away, destroyed sometimes we look at them & they look nothing like we dreamed they would or they seem totally gone, like there’s nothing left. But when that happens, what do you have left? Do you have that foundation? That foundation of Jesus Christ, that stability that when all else is gone…He is still standing strong. Something that can be rebuilt on.

You can lay many foundations in your life. Foundations such as your business, marriage, friends, parents, etc… But what happens when they are gone? Any foundation that you lay in a worldly manor can be taken away. First Corinthians 3:11 tells us that “…no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” When everything is gone, you can be assured that if your foundation is built of Jesus…then when people look at you when you are broken & you feel there is no way you can be a light to show Jesus to the world, know that He can work through your brokenness much better than your strength. Let people see your foundation…that can’t be blown away…let them see Jesus in you, even through the storms.


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