Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sandcastle Construction LLC


 "And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it." 
(Matthew 7:27)

In Matthew 7,  Jesus tells a parable of two men, one that built his house on sand, and one that built his house on  rock, this parable is in a long line of teaching that we call the "Sermon on the Mount" it is actually the "Wrap-up" if you will of that sermon. 

When we hear these verses often we skim over the first part of verse 24 which reads, "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them..." This verse is key to the parable of the house builder. Jesus is saying that if you do what he has said in the sermon on the mount, then you will be like the man who built his house on the rock. 

When you look back at all that he taught, it looks hard, something that there is no way we can do, which is correct...except for the first thing stated in this sermon way back in chapter 5:3, that ties it all together for us, "Blessed are the poor in spirit..." Jesus is saying those who know that they need the Holy Spirit, those who know that without Christ living in them, they can't do any of the following, that's the person who builds their house on the Rock. That's the person who can, through the power of the Holy Spirit, walk the way of the sermon on the mount. 

When we build our "house" on our own, when we say to God, "I've got this life thing all figured out, I'll get with you when I need you", then we are setting ourselves up for a fall. A life built on anything less than Jesus Christ will not stand strong in the storms of life, that WILL come.  

But if you do find yourself using  "sandman contracting" just remember that when your house that you built comes crashing to the ground, and it will, Jesus will be standing there as "disaster relief", with three nails & a hammer, to rebuild your broken life, on a good solid rock foundation. The rock foundation of Jesus Christ. 


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