Friday, May 23, 2014

A Handful of Wind

"I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind."
(Ecclesiastes 1:14)

It is happening again, a group of youth that I have watched grow up are now in cap and gown, tassels  ready to change sides as they take that step from youth to the real world of adulthood. I couldn't make it to graduation or the parties last night, sitting in the doc's office this morning. But I love them dearly. 

Growing up is not all it's cracked up to be, I will never understand why kids rush to adulthood, but so did I...and like it or not, we all gotta do it. You know, becoming an adult is a lot easier when you take the experience filled wisdom of those that have gone before. The Best person to take wisdom from is the man who God called the wisest man to ever live, King Solomon. 

King Solomon was very rich and had everything he could ever want, at his fingertips. And from his very mouth stated that he had tried it all. He could travel to any place he wanted. Have any woman he wanted. Eat any food he wanted. Had gold, silver, exotic animals, amazing homes, parties, etc... He had it all...but what he said was, "I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind." No matter what he experienced or owned, it was all a waste and didn't provide true happiness. 

What Solomon did, is something billions of people have done throughout the ages. Work hard to accomplish their dreams, only to find out that it is lonely at the top or that what they thought would fulfill that empty feeling, caused it to become worse. Some have even stated, after accomplishing the goal of greatness, "So this is it?" Solomon found that happiness doesn't come from accomplishments or things, but only from God. Chasing dreams is great if you are chasing God's dreams. 

See God has a plan for you. He had it set and ready to go, before you were born. He knows your makeup, what you truly enjoy and what will bring true joy to your life. He wants to make you greater than your human dreams ever could. He wants you to feel complete, fulfilled and accomplished. And He knows what will truly make you feel that you have a purpose in this life. So before you say, "This is what I want to do with my life." Why not say, "God, what do You want me to do with this life You have given me?" 

I pray for all those who graduated this year and ask that God would guide them in the direction of His plans for their lives. That they would obey Him wherever He leads. 

I love you guys, 


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