Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Problems Solved... Follow Me

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 
(2 Corinthians 5:17)

Isn’t it odd how people, when things go bad, wonder why God doesn't fix it? Why God allows all these terrible things to happen? We often ask, “God, why don’t you show up and make all this right and fix it?”
I saw a video today that sort of hit on this a bit. So it made me think, hasn’t he already done it? Hasn’t He already given us the solution for all problems? 

When Jesus was born in that stable He was the gift, the plan, the cure, the way, the truth and the life. He was and still is the perfect solution to all our woes. When He died and was  raised again, he was the fix  for the worlds deepest issues. The problem isn’t God and His lack of concern for this world, the problem is the worlds lack of concern for the Christ. 

Let's not “ imagine what it would be like if God just swooped down and fixed everything”… He has, but most are just not taking hold of His solution for the cure. He even gave us a book that explains it all and what we need to do, but most laugh at it. Then they whine and complain about all the troubles in the world, the whole time shunning the very maintenance manual that God gave us to live by. 

Think…what would the world be like if all people honestly placed their faith in Jesus Christ and lived and obeyed Him? See what I’m saying? The problem isn't God, it's man and his disobedience. We have troubles, violence, crime, terrorism, etc… because man disobeys God. God has given us Who we need to fix it all and given Him as a free gift. 

We scream, “GOD!! FIX THE PROBLEMS!!!” 

God says, “Problems solved…follow Me”


Friday, December 18, 2015

The Ally of Darkness

"And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil." (John 3:19)

There is a scene in "The Dark Knight Rises", where the bad guy Bane and Batman are fighting. Batman shuts the lights off and Bane, who has a very creepy voice by the way, says, 

"Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!" 

This quote made me think of John 3:19-21. Like Bane, we start off in darkness. We are born lost. And the longer we reject Christ, the more we become comfortable in that darkness and the more light becomes hard to tolerate. We can get so comfortable in the dark that light is just what Bane said, "blinding". We can come to hate it. It hurts. 

Have you ever been dead asleep in a dark room and someone come in and flipped on the light? Dude that is painful. It makes your eyes truly hurt. But think about this, that pain is only temporary, it goes away. In darkness we may find comfort, but we are very limited in what we can do in the dark, because our sight is limited or nonexistent, depending on the amount of darkness. But in the light, there is freedom. We can see clearly and enjoy so much more. But to get to the light, we have to come through the pain of the light. 

When we come to Christ, when we realize our brokenness and emptiness  and our disobedience to a God who loves us, it is painful. But that pain, bring great joy and freedom. 

Don't let the darkness be your ally, make the light your Lord. 


Monday, December 14, 2015

Wives Submit

 "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord." (Ephesians 5:22) 

Yea, that verse more than likely just enraged you as you read it, or puffed you up, probably depending on your gender. This verse often infuriates many of the female class because the word submit which in this case means "to yield oneself to the authority or will of another :surrender" (Webster), doesn't fit with today's feminist mentality. Most women even in the church are bothered by this verse. But why? Often it is because the verse has been misused within the church. In some churches it is taught that the woman is to be quiet and never should speak. That she should be in submission to her husband even if he is an ungodly man. 

This verse has also been one that puffed up the chest of many "men" who want to be the head of their family, but have never earned that right. Some think, “Heck, submit to me like she would the Lord, that’s awesome, preach it pastor! Hope she’s listening.”  It's nice when you can point to a scripture that will back-up your macho, male agenda. For decades a lot of churches put a great amount of emphasis on verses 22-24, but in truth, is that the way these verses should be used? 

I honestly believe that where overbearing men and feminist get it wrong, is that they never seem to make it past verse 24. Because if they did, they would see that there may be 3 verse that instruct women on how to be toward their husbands, but there are 7 verses that give instructions to the man on how to be toward their wives…and the verses for the men, are much tougher. 

Women are to submit themselves to their husbands, but men are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. Not sure if you are familiar with how Christ loved the church? But, He loved her when she was unlovable. He loved her when she was right and when she was wrong. He loved her with an unconditional love. He protected her and comforted her. Sheltered her and clothes her. He never asked for anything in return. He was selfless. With a selfless love for His bride. He gave her someone, she could trust in good times and bad times. He would never leave her or forsake her, no matter her response. He  was beaten and bruised for her,  nailed to a rugged, splintery cross and was gouged in the side with a spear for her. He gave it all for her…He died for her. Men, love your wife as Christ loved the church, so that she will feel safe in submission to you as she is to the Lord. 

So if you are a feminist type of a “lady” who can’t find it in your heart to submit to your husband, even though your husband is striving to be like Christ and love you as Christ loved the church, then you truly need to drop to your knees and repent. You are one of two things, away from God or not His at all. 

For the “man”, who wants a wife who will follow,  but expects her to, despite  his ungodly lifestyle and lack of Christlikeness toward her, then you too need to drop to your knees and repent. You are one of two things, away from God or not His at all. 

“However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.” (Ephesians 5:33)


"God of This City"