Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Problems Solved... Follow Me

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 
(2 Corinthians 5:17)

Isn’t it odd how people, when things go bad, wonder why God doesn't fix it? Why God allows all these terrible things to happen? We often ask, “God, why don’t you show up and make all this right and fix it?”
I saw a video today that sort of hit on this a bit. So it made me think, hasn’t he already done it? Hasn’t He already given us the solution for all problems? 

When Jesus was born in that stable He was the gift, the plan, the cure, the way, the truth and the life. He was and still is the perfect solution to all our woes. When He died and was  raised again, he was the fix  for the worlds deepest issues. The problem isn’t God and His lack of concern for this world, the problem is the worlds lack of concern for the Christ. 

Let's not “ imagine what it would be like if God just swooped down and fixed everything”… He has, but most are just not taking hold of His solution for the cure. He even gave us a book that explains it all and what we need to do, but most laugh at it. Then they whine and complain about all the troubles in the world, the whole time shunning the very maintenance manual that God gave us to live by. 

Think…what would the world be like if all people honestly placed their faith in Jesus Christ and lived and obeyed Him? See what I’m saying? The problem isn't God, it's man and his disobedience. We have troubles, violence, crime, terrorism, etc… because man disobeys God. God has given us Who we need to fix it all and given Him as a free gift. 

We scream, “GOD!! FIX THE PROBLEMS!!!” 

God says, “Problems solved…follow Me”


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