Friday, January 1, 2016

Mature Transgressions

“Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.”
(James 1:15)

There are somethings we love to see grow, our children and grandchildren, our spiritual life, flowers, our bank accounts. So many times growth is good and healthy. But there are many things that we don’t like to see grow, the national debt, laundry, our grass, black mold, cancer, etc… Sin for a Christian should be another. 

Did you know that sin grows? In James 1:15 we are told that “…sin when it is fully grown brings forth death”. Sin isn't just a one time thing that you can tamper with and be ok, it latches onto you and grows. 

This may bother some, but Alcoholism, isn't a disease. It's a result of sin, that has grown. No one has ever returned from the doctor’s office  and had to make the sad  announcement to their family that the doctor just diagnosed  them with a case of alcoholism and then they start drinking. No, it started with that first drink. That first decision to get drunk and it grew from there. 

All sins grow as long as you continue to nurture them, as long as you feed them and they all start off normally small. When you look at the life of Ted Bundy it's a classic example of a person tampering with what some consider a small sin and it growing due to that person continually feeding that sinful desire. He went from looking at dirty magazines as a young boy, to harder porn, to murdering  many women to fulfill his sinful desires. The saying is true, “Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you more than you want to pay”. (I added the interview video please take the time to watch)


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