Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Few Things Said At The DNC That Grate My Nerves And Bother Me Spiritually

A few things said at the DNC that grate on my ever-loving nerves and bother me spiritually. But before you read on, here is my disclaimer:

I love those who have had an abortion. Yep that's what I said and that is what I mean. I also believe we as churches (when I say the church, I greatly include myself), need to step up and offer a helping hand to those who are broken due to having an abortion. We also need to give a helping hand and possibly a home to those young ladies that are in a bad situation due to their unexpected/unwanted pregnancy and are often facing this tough time alone and sometimes feeling shame, guilt and like no one cares. These are the ladies that the godless abortionist prey on.  I love and have compassion for these ladies. 
Now that's my disclaimer so please don't give me the, "you can't judge me" or the "you hate women" speech. 

We also do not need to discuss, rape or incest or the life of the mother, because of the abortions done in America, that makes up almost 1%.

Ilyse Hogue is the leader of the National Abortion Rights Action League, also known as NARAL Pro-Choice America and here are a few of the sick comments made last night:

“I was fortunate enough to have these things (speaking of abortion rights), when I found out I was pregnant years ago. I wanted a family, but it was the wrong time. I made the decision that was best for me—to have an abortion and get compassionate care at a clinic in my own community.”

The mindset is "I need to have an abortion because the TIME WASN'T RIGHT for me to have a family". Maybe think about that before you decide to have sex. "Not the right time to have a family" is not a good excuse for murdering, pulling apart a baby in the womb. It's ok to kill a child if I don't want it? If I'm not ready for it? 
So a child's worth is based on whether he/she is wanted by another human being? Extremely dangerous mindset. 

Ilyse goes on to say,

“If we want families to succeed, we start by empowering women. Give us accurate information and access to health care. Keep politicians out of our business when we’re not ready to parent and support us when we are. That’s what gives our families the best chance to get ahead and to stay ahead,” 

There are many services that are provided for women other than Planned Parenthood. Many that do not provide abortions. Ben Carson made that very clear. 

"Keep politicians out of our business when we’re not ready to parent and support us when we are."

So when we want to murder a baby in cold blood, shut up and stay out my business. But when we want to have children, then you need to support us?? 
We are not talking about a puppy. We are talking about a live human child. But of course with this crowd, if we were talking about a puppy, the puppy's life would be seen as more valuable. 

Ilyse also said, 

"We need a President who knows that women's rights are human rights" 

"Women's right to kill? Let that sink in, KILL, an innocent child (not a fetus, stop calling them a fetus, I know what the word means, it is a baby that is in the later stages before birth. But it is a baby, a human child, made in God's image, so call him/her a baby), women's right to kill a baby is now human rights. Really?? What about the human rights of these children, the 60 plus million of them that have been torn apart and many sold for their body parts!! Where are their rights??

We Christians need to wake up! There is a time to say No. There is a time to stand against an evil and do all we can to stop it, even help those caught between a rock and the hard place of abortion. It might cost us something...but it's costing the babies much, much more.

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