Monday, October 24, 2016

He Changed My Mind

"And they came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man, the one who had had the legion, sitting there, clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid." (Mark 5:15)

I was looking through the Bible checking out the people that came in contact with Jesus and had a life change. I came across a man that was demon possessed in Mark 5:1-20. This dude was insane, out of his mind, loopy, he was wound too tight, his elevator didn't go to the top & his stairs were out of order, he was Loony Toons, crazy as a outhouse rat, he was several fries short… oh you get the point, he was crazy. The people in the city were scared of him. They tried to tie him up with ropes & chains, but he broke them all.

This guy lived up in and around the tombs, screaming in the night, running around naked, cutting himself with stones. This man was freaky with a capital "F". Just imagine, now in our time, some guy living in a graveyard, butt naked, long hair, nasty, scared and bloody from cutting himself, oh man, Halloween around this town would have been wild. With Halloween in mind, the towns people avoided this dude the way we avoided the Raisin Lady's house while trick or treating. 

Those people had given up on him. He was no good, too far gone & worthless, he was not worth killin'. At least that's what everyone thought, everyone that is except…yep, you guessed it, Jesus. Jesus knew who this guy was, and even though he seemed out of his mind he was still a creation of God. 

Jesus proceeded to cast the demons out of this man & when word got back to the towns people they came to see. They found the man sitting, clothed and in his right mind. Did you catch that? His right mind. Yea, no longer crazy, no longer cutting himself with stones, no more screaming, just a normal man. 

When God got a hold of me, I was not in my right mind. A right mind doesn't do things like drugs, alcohol & premarital sex, things that would harm the body & in most cases destroy it. When God saved me he also put me in my right mind. Are you in your right mind? You can be. 

Romans 10:9.

"Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved". Yes, you too can be saved. Place your faith in Jesus today. 


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"God of This City"