Tuesday, March 24, 2009


“O taste and see that the LORD is good…”
(Psalm 34:8)

I truly enjoy springtime, green grass, blooming trees, baseball, people out in their yards sprucing up & most importantly Easter. I love Easter...a time to remember what God did for the world, when He gave His Son. I also love Easter for another reason…nowhere near as important as the death, burial & resurrection of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, but it still warms my heart…the return of “Peeps”. I stinkin’ love Peeps! You what? You don’t know what a Peep is? It’s only the best candy that has ever been made…the fresher the better. Peeps are sugar covered marshmallow nuggets of amazing wonder. Peeps are great, not only do they taste great, but they come in different Easter colors like pink & yellow (yellow holding the best in the flavor category). They also come in two different shapes, a bunny & a chick…which looks more like a blob than it does a chick, but no matter, they are heaven sent.

I remember when I was young & my brother & I would get our Easter baskets early in the morning before heading to church & just after opening them, the trading would begin. The best trade that took place every year was his Peeps, for my fruit filled, chocolate egg. UHGGGGG… I hated the fruit filled chocolate egg! I don’t know who made them, but fruit & chocolate just don’t go together, but I was lucky, I had a big brother who would eat anything & he loved those nasty eggs & he wasn’t too fond of Peeps (he got that from my mom, she says they are like eating marshmallows covered in sand). This trade always resulted in an over abundance of Peeps for me…which usually left me nauseous during Sunday school.

Now I may not know much, but I know my Peeps & if someone came up to me while I was enjoying a fresh, delicious pack of Peeps & said, “There is no such thing as a Peep, Peeps aren’t real, I don’t believe in Peeps & if there was such a thing as a Peep…it wouldn’t be any good.” I would have to beg to differ with them. I just tasted them; the proof of their existence is inside me. I can vouch for the Peep, not only are they real…but they are in the words of “Tony the Tiger” “Their GGGGGGreat!

No matter how hard you argue against Christ, I know He’s real, Acts 5:32 says that “we are witnesses of these things; and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him." I know that salvation isn’t just a fuzzy feeling, but I know that the Holy Spirit is real because He lives in me. I’ve experienced God’s goodness; I have tasted & seen that He is good. The proof…is in me.

Learn More About Peeps!


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