Monday, March 16, 2009

"Slippery Conscious"

“Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.”
(Romans 3:20)

Sitting in one of our local restaurants Saturday evening, with a hand full of peanuts waiting on a table to become available, we watched customers walking in & out of the lobby. They were all sorts of people, short tall, large, thin, young, old, hungry & full. Some were dressed-up others were dressed down, some came in, in groups, others were alone. There were all different races & genders; there were families & friends…even some that didn’t get along. Some people were working, others were there to relax. No matter what they were there for, who they were or even how they were dressed, they all had the same problem… walking in or out of the front door.

It had been raining all day & just inside the lobby it was very wet, which made it very slick, the peanut hulls that I was throwing on the floor didn’t help the matter at all. But everyone who walked in slipped, they were all just trying to get in or out of the door, but all would hit that slick spot & they would start to dance, kind of a “James Brown” sort of dance.

While watching these people, I noticed a “Caution, floors are wet” sign folded up in the corner, back behind the door. I told my son to go get it & put it up in the lobby before someone breaks their neck. I realized that something happened when people saw that sign. If they were coming in or going out, no matter who they were, they became very cautious & kind of shuffled their feet over the wet floors in an attempt to not fall down. It made them more cautious & made me think of Romans 3. In the 20th verse it states that through the Law or the Ten Commandments, we become conscious of our sin. I believe in our land today that we are seeing the effects of a world that is becoming less & less conscious of its sin. Just like those people who were not conscious of the wet floor & needed a sign to show them how to walk, we too need a “sign” a law to show us what sin is or to show us the danger ahead.

We do need to realize that the Law can not save us, I heard a pastor once say, that the Ten Commandments is like a bathroom mirror, it shows us that smug on our face, but it can’t wash it away, only the sink below can do that. But once we see our sin through God’s law, then we can come to Him for cleansing, by accepting Christ as Savior & Lord.

Have you accepted Christ, as your Lord & Savior? If not, Click on the links to the top right of this page & find out about God’s plan of salvation & what it means to have a relationship with Him.


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