Tuesday, January 19, 2010

To Teach or Not To Teach...That Was The Question

“Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.” (James 3:1)

This is a question that I received online:

“Will teachers of the word of God be held to a higher standard than others? I’ve been feeling called to teach, but have heard that the Bible says that teachers would be held more accountable than others. I really want to make sure that I make the right decision.”

Yes, in James 3:1 the Bible says, “Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren…” James is warning against becoming a teacher of God’s word. Why? He goes on to give us the reason, “knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.” He encourages his fellow Christians to not become Teachers of God’s word because of the higher level of accountability a teacher will be held to by God. God takes His word seriously, because many can be, have been & will be lead astray by false teachers...this is the main reason that it is truly important to read, study & know the Bible for yourself, instead of just listening to someone else tell you what it says.

Now is that all that James is saying here, for Christians not to be teachers? No, he is just giving a strong warning against taking the calling of a teacher lightly. I’m afraid that many people today do take the teaching of God’s word way to lightly; they sometimes become teachers for the wrong reasons. It might be that they felt pressured into it by their church; maybe there were not enough teachers so they just took the job. It may have been that they just wanted to try it out. Maybe their mom told them that they would make a good teach. Whatever the reason, if it's not a call from God, they shouldn't teach. Some who teach may not pick up the word & study until the night before they teach & may never go to God in prayer about how to or what to teach. Either way, if a person is not called by God to teach, again, they should never do it, God WILL judge teachers more strictly.

We do however need to remember that God does call people to teach, it is one of the gifts God gives
(Ephesians 4:11). If God calls you to teach, there is no need to fear that calling. But you should be more than dedicated to the task that God has given you & remain an instrument in His hands & devote yourself to the study of His word.


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