Tuesday, January 26, 2010

When the Wheels Fall Off

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
(Philippians 4:6)

There's a story that is told about the Architect of the Panama Canal, Ferdinand Lesseps, the story says that one day while at his desk in the study of his houseboat just off shore, pouring over the plans for the Panama Canal & submerged in his work, his son was playing with a toy wagon at his feet. The little boy was pushing the wagon all around the floor & around his father’s feet, when all of a sudden one of the wheels on his wagon came off & rolled across the room. The little boy chased down the runaway wheel & he immediately took the broken toy to his busy father, who stopped his very important work, took the toy & in one twist of the wrist, popped the wagon wheel back on to its miniature axle. Ferdinand returned the wagon to his waiting son & the son returned to his play.

Philippians 4 tells us to “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” In laymen’s terms, “Don't worry about nothin', but pray about everything”. It goes on to tell us that when we do that "the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." God's peace will be with us, we can have peace in any trouble. Paul, the man who wrote this should know better than anybody, that God's peace "surpasses all comprehension"(2 Corinthians 11:23-33).

Also notice that Ferdinand's son didn't look at his problem & say, "This just isn't a big enough problem to take to my Father." No he just took it. His father also didn't look down at Junior & say, "Look son I'm busy with an important project, I just don't have time right now." He just stops everything & fixes the problem...nothing his son could ever bring to him would be too small of a problem, if it bothered his son that he loved. Nothing is ever too small of a problem to take to your heavenly Father. When the wheels fall off, where do you turn, where do you go when everything seems to be falling apart? Ferdinand's son didn't think twice, he took his wagon & wheel straight to the only one he knew that could repair it...straight to his father.

Is God your Father? Is He your savior? He can be...go to the top of this page on the right hand side, you can click to see what the plan of salvation is, as well as how to accept that Plan. Or feel free to email me at vernmason1@gmail.com.


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