Friday, July 30, 2010

Checker's of Light

“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.”
(Matthew 5:14)

I was taking one of  my kin folks to the airport on a Saturday night, had to be there an hour early for the flight. They are an hour ahead so I thought that we were doing good & had left in plenty of time. But due to a road name change, my bad sense of direction & the fact that we would be late even if we would have left the day before. We were just that…late, only by 5 minutes, but never the less…late. And you guessed it; they had given her seat away, weird how they did it within 5 minutes but it takes them an eternity to reserve you one. She made new reservations for 6am the following morning, which means it will actually be 5am…they are an hour ahead.

We rise & shine & leave the house by 2am, being sure to get her there on time… & we do. She is there in plenty of time to make her flight & I headed back.

 As I drive out of the airport I notice something, shining like a lighthouse on the rockiest island in the deadliest sea. Like a shining star in the darkest night, there it stood with all its grand excellence, in all its majesty…“Checker's”! 

Now I don’t know about you, but when I get up out of bed no matter the time, I’m hungry & when I saw “Checker's” my mouth started watering. I was excited…I couldn’t believe it was open…it was 4am…did you hear me? F.O.U.R. A.M.! I know!! That's  what I said!

I couldn’t help but pull in & get something to eat, I mean God bless em’ they were working fast food at 4am hated for them not to get to serve someone. I got up to the speaker & saw that there was no breakfast only burgers…even better!! A burger, fries & a sweet tea for breakfast…number one! It was great…& that sweet tea… it kept me awake all the way home.

In Matthew 5:14 Jesus tells us that we are “the light of the world” we are like a city on a hill that can’t be hidden. During those days when it got dark, it got dark. If you were out in the fields watching the sheep, you could see a city on a hill for miles; you couldn’t help but see it.

Jesus wants us to be that way. He wants to shine through us in such a way that we can’t be looked over or missed. That people see what we have & they want what we’ve got. A lot like “Checker's”, I couldn’t help but see it, it was really lit up. They had just what I needed to fill my empty tummy & to help me make it home safely. 

We have what the whole world needs. We have the only thing, the only One that will fill their emptiness & get them home safely. Be that light…that can’t be hidden.


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