Saturday, April 14, 2012

Free Stuff

“…but the free gift following many trespasses brought justification.”
(Romans 5:16)

(Check out Video at bottom, when done)

You can’t beat the word “free”, people all over the world can agree that free is good. If someone is in jail or in slavery, they would love to be free. You’re free to go, you’re free to stay. Here take one it’s “free”. Buy one get one “free” or better yet, my favorite, come in & receive one free, no purchase necessary. Free condiments, free T-shirts, free apps, free counsel, free credit reports, free music downloads, free tickets; free range chickens, free, free, free, free, FREE!!! Free seems to always be better. F.R.E.E. Forever, Repentant, Extravagant, Eggs. Ok, so I’m not good with acrostics, but enjoying free things, now that...I’m number one at.

But with all that said, free is awesome. But it is never more awesome than when it is used along with something that will last forever. In Romans Paul tells us how Jesus through His death & resurrection brought us a “Free gift”. It is a wonderful thing to know that I cannot earn my salvation. I can’t work hard enough, go to church long enough or be sweet enough to earn salvation…it’s free. “For the wages of sin is death, but the FREE gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)

Have you taken hold of that free gift? Romans 10:9 tells us what we need to do to receive that free gift, “…confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” If you haven’t…go to Him right now with an honest heart…He wants you to have it & He gives it…yep you guessed it… FREE.


1 comment:

Tina Shafer said...

Love it! Thanks for the "free" yet very valuable word!

"God of This City"