Saturday, June 2, 2012

Don't Lose Sight of Scripture

“For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.”
(Romans 15:4)

Often we think that when we have read through the Bible then we are done…that we have the main idea of the book, that we get the point of it. That would be true if the Bible were just a novel like War & Peace, Robinson Crusoe or Moby Dick. But the Bible our holy scriptures are “breathed out by God” (2 Tim 3:16), “…the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Heb 4:12). The Bible is not just a novel but the living breathing word of God.

Ever notice, if you truly study God’s word that when you read a verse & then down the road as you grow closer to God, when you read that verse again, it seems to give you more. God will give you what He can trust you with, when He can trust you with it. His truths are not going to be just thrown out to just anybody…but when a person is His & sincere about following Him then He will trust them with more & more. That’s why a nonbeliever cannot understand God’s word. Yea they can get the story line, but not the deep spiritual meanings that God wants to reveal to His children.

The Bible helps us remember who God is & what He can do. When you stay in it & see all the times that He has provided, protected & prospered His people, it will bring a sense of joy, comfort & peace in your life that He will do the same for you. The God that saved Noah & his family in the flood is the same God that will save you in your troubles. The God who led Abraham in his journey is the same God who will lead you in yours. The God who worked in the lives of Joseph, Moses, Daniel, Ruth, Peter, John & Paul…is the exact same God that will work in your life to lead, guide & make you successful in His will. But if you lose sight of scripture…you will lose sight of God. When you think that you know it, when you think that God cannot teach you anymore from His word, then you are leaning “…on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5), God will teach you from His word as long as you live & as long as you stay in it.

It’s not meant to be legalistic…often when you talk about the need to stay in God’s word daily, the first thing people say is that thinking someone has to read the Bible daily is legalism. But that is not what I mean. If you are reading your Bible as a way to just “appease” God or to just get brownie points for Heaven, then you are being legalistic. But if your goal is to learn God’s will, His truth & His love so it will affect your life…then yes daily Bible study is needed. Don’t freak out trying to read through it just to say you did. What good is it if you read it, but don’t remember it? You need to read in a way that you can study it. Take your time & soak it in, not fly through it just to say you read it. The Bible is meant to be your guide, your instruction manual for life. It should be enjoyable…if it is not or if you have no hunger for it, then there may be a spiritual problem. Be honest & ask God to search your heart. When He reveals the source of the problem to you, then handle it how He wants.

Get alone with God. Set yourself a time daily, just to spend building that strong relationship with Him. Stay in His word, so that you will remember who He is & how much He loves you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Word! Stacey

"God of This City"