Saturday, June 30, 2012

Roll It Up & Repent

…every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
(James 1:14-15)

(Take a listen to the new song below, after reading)
The summer heat that is kicking right now makes me think of one thing...Hell!! Just joking, really it makes me think of the Holy Spirit & sin...yea I know, but just follow along & I promise it will make sense. When I’m in my car with the A/C on the hot summer heat can't hurt me...because of what I have on the inside. But let me just slightly crack the window & I quickly start to feel the effects of the nasty, blistering, summer heat & though the A/C is still working, the heat is still a problem I can't overlook.

When I crack the window of my life just a hair to quickly becomes a problem. Much like the heat that swiftly rushes in, it overtakes me. Even though the Holy Spirit is inside me & still at work, that sin makes it hard to recognize the working of the Spirit. It doesn’t take much to allow sin in & allow it to have reign in your life, just leave it the slightest opening. A little gossip with the girls, just a peek at porn, a white lie, some social drinking, sex before marriage, get lax in your time with God, etc... & Satan will slither right in & it won’t just affect you.

If I ride around in this heat with my window cracked, it doesn’t matter how high I have the A/C on, it makes it hard to even tell its working & by the sweat dripping off my brow...others can’t see that my A/C is working either. When you allow sin in, it doesn’t just affect you, it affects everyone you come in contact with & they’ll have a hard time telling if your A/C...I mean Holy Spirit is working.

Solution: If your window is cracked, roll it up & repent & seek God for guidance & forgiveness. He says that He is faithful & just to forgive you & cleanse you.


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