Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Garbage?? YUUUP!!

"Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger,  and give no opportunity to the devil."
(Ephesians 4:26-27)

With not a whole lot on the old T.V. theses days and seeing more and more how the T.V. earned it's slang name "the idiot box", I have fallen into some of the "reality" shows like Duck Dynasty, Pawn Stars and one of my favorites, Storage Wars. These guys buy abandoned storage units at auction then search it for treasures. Sometimes they roll up the door and it is filled with many resalable items and sometimes when they are lucky they find a real treasure that they can sell for more than they paid for the unit. But more often than not they find garbage. 

When we hold anger and hurts inside and store them away without resolving them, it's a lot like someone boxing up rotten, stinking garbage and storing it in a storage unit with their valuables. The longer they leave those garbage filled boxes in with their valuables the more their valuables will start to smell like putrid trash. Not only does it cause your good stuff to smell, but it also takes up room that could be used to store more of your valuables, and if you keep storing those rotten, stinking, garbage filled boxes you will not have room for any good things.  

Ephesians 4 tells us that at times we will become angry, but not to let it lead to sin, by holding onto it and letting it fester. When we do that, it takes root in our soul and what we usually do is get angry, but act like we are not, then when that person makes us angry again, then they get both barrels, the old hurt and anger they caused and the new hurt and anger comes out at once and it ain't pretty. We also get bitter, we hold onto hurt and we begin to trust no one and expect everyone to hurt us. Then as Ephesians say, we give "...opportunity to the devil". It actually tells us to not store up anger so that we do not give opportunity to the Devil. Satan loves to work in the heart of a bitter person, especially a Christian. He can cause divisions where it will hurt the most, churches, families, friends, etc...

Stop storing up bad & store up good...kick the devil to the curb out of your storage unit and do not allow him to take up an ounce of your heart....YUUUUP!!!


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