Saturday, January 5, 2013

Lessons From A Prostitute

“And she said, ‘According to your words, so be it.’ Then she sent them away, and they departed. And she tied the scarlet cord in the window.”
(Joshua 2:21)

We can learn a lot from a prostitute…I mean Godly things…not from just any prostitute, but from Rahab.

In the book of Joshua we see where Joshua had sent two men into the Promised Land to spy it out. They were told to go especially to Jericho, there the king had heard that some spies were in the city and sent his soldiers out to capture them. The two spies took refuge in the home of Rahab the harlot. Why her house? God is at work, leading them to a woman who was terrified, who has come to an understanding of who God is and the greatness of His power, she wanted to know the one true God.

We see this happen in the life of Cornelius in Acts 10, it says that he was “a devout man who feared God with all his household, gave alms generously to the people, and prayed continually to God” God sent Peter to share the
gospel with him. In the same way Rahab a prostitute had heard about the Children of Israel coming into the land and knew by their actions she had heard of, the way they left Egypt, the crossing of the Red Sea, the defeating of the Amorites, etc… that these people were the people of the
true God. She stated that, in Joshua 2:11, “…for the Lord your God, He is God in Heaven above and on earth below”. She understood who God was and
wanted to know Him. It was her belief in God that saved her. Anytime that someone truly wants to know God, He will send them the gospel. Christian missionaries don't just say, "I believe I'll go to China or wherever", they seek God's guidance. They go where God sends them and God sends them where He is working.  

Rahab hid the spies and allowed them to escape on the promise that they would save her when they came to destroy Jericho. The spies assured her that they would save her and anyone that was in her house when they came. They told her that she had to tie a scarlet cord in the window and
bring into her home those to be saved. She did just that and all in her home were saved.

She tied that cord in her window as soon as the spies left....wonder why she didn’t wait...maybe tie it there later? The reason she didn’t was because she knew that her life was at stake. She knew that if that cord wasn’t there when  Israel came that she would be destroyed along with the rest of the city. She tied it quickly, because she had no idea when
they would come. She didn’t know if it would be five minutes, five hours or five days...but she did know that she wanted to be ready when they did come and she was. It’s the same with us...we don’t know when Jesus will return for His bride, we best be ready. We best know whether or not we are
saved. If we have placed our faith in Jesus, we are ready. Have you
accepted Christ? Have you turned your life totally over to Him? If not, do it now, if you’re not sure , make sure today.

God saved Rahab, but didn't leave it at that,  He also placed her in the "Hall of Faith" in the book of Hebrews Chapter 11, along side the greats like Moses, Daniel, Abraham, Gideon, etc... Yea "Rahab the prostitute" listed there as if she was someone special. She is someone special, to God. Just like you are someone special to Him. 

He didn't stop there, He also placed her in the line of Jesus. She was the great, great, great grandmother of King David in the book of Matthew we see her listed there but something is different about her goes from Rahab the prostitute to just Rahab. When you come to Christ, He changes your name, He wipes away your past...never to be brought up again. Come to Him and let Him wipe away your past today and use you in great ways. 


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