Tuesday, August 12, 2014


"Do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father; there is one who accuses you—Moses, in whom you trust. For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?” (John 5:45-47)

Here is the article that has me a hair bit bothered...but know that I do not put a lot of stock in any person...especially in the entertainment community, call it Christian or not. Know that I truly like the song, "Beautiful Things". Also is Michael Gungor saved? I have no idea, that is between him and God, not him and Vern. But all that said here is the article: 

I guess what bothers me most about Michael Gungor's blog is that he was so cocky when he stated that, "No REASONABLE PERSON takes the Bible literally." That he doesn't believe the Bible's view on creation, Adam and Eve or the flood is real or literal, but just a mythical story. I must not be reasonable.

He goes on to say "I use this analogy often, as Christians we tend to act like we have a belief system that is like a bubble: It is fragile and easily popped if anything even touches any part of it. We think we have to protect our bubble."

No Michael...it's not that at all, it's that when we don't as "Christians" take scripture as truth, how do we say that the gospel is true? If Moses states that the earth was created in 6 days, when he states after each day of creation, "...And there was evening and there was morning, the (blank) day." This was said after each day filling in the blank with 1-6, why can't we believe that? Why is that so hard for some to understand? Why do we struggle with God, who is all powerful, creating the world in 6 ordinary days? I believe it is that some have more faith in human knowledge, what they call "science" than they do God. They do not want to look foolish in front of their "smart", "highly educated", worldly peers, when those are the very ones that God was talking about when He said, "Claiming to be wise, they became fools" (Romans 1:22)

The article above leaves out this quote from Gungor, “I guess I’ll have to come out of the closet and admit… I don’t believe in a literal six-day creation,” he wrote. “Genesis is a poem if I’ve ever seen one.”

Genesis is a "poem"? Really?? So does that mean I can say that the book of John is a poem? 
Also didn't Jesus speak of the creation and the flood? Yes and many many other events in Genesis that He spoke of as historical facts. Here is an article on that:

"Did Jesus Say He Created In Six Literal Days"

Gungor went on to say:
“You can still love God and love people and read those early Genesis stories as myth with some important things to teach us. Know that if you create these dichotomies where we force people to either fall into the camp of scientifically blind biblical literalism or a camp where they totally write off the Bible as a complete lie, you’re going to rob a lot of people of some of the richness that the Bible offers.” 

I believe he has missed a lot of the Bible, and their is plenty of scientific evidence if he wasn't too lazy to seek it out. 

The reason we have these "dichotomies" is because of people who take scripture and treat it like a novel by their favorite author, as Gungor has.
We don't force people into different camps, scripture/God does.  Jesus clearly states in John 5, 

"Do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father; there is one who accuses you—Moses, in whom you trust. For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?” (John 5:45-47)

If we believe that Genesis is nothing more than a "poem", when Jesus spoke as if it was historical fact, then we stand against Jesus' spoken words. If Gungor had an old earth view only, we can argue that, don't know where people get it, but I can live with that. But to state that Genesis is a  fairy tail...that is what makes me have to speakout. 

Now this is my opinion and mine only, let's say Vernology. 
But I do not believe that if a person can call the book of Genesis a "poem" or fictional, that that person should teach anyone God's word. If you can't see the first as truth, then how can you on the rest?

I honestly believe Michael Gungor should stick to writing songs and not portraying himself as a mouthpiece of God. 

Should people attack him with threats of burning in hell? NO!! But can we strongly disagree with him? Yes. And I do. 


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