Wednesday, June 25, 2014

There's No Place Like Home

"...My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better." (Philippians 1:23)

I remember when I was young and on a trip with our church youth group. We went to Florida for a retreat. We had worship, played games, spent time on the beach, met new people, just had a great time. But I often longed for home. My own bed, my moms cooking, the comfort of knowing that my dad had the doors locked and we were safe and secure. My family was there and I missed my friends in the neighborhood. I was having fun and enjoyed the beach, but I  wanted to be home. As Dorothy would say...there's no place like home. 

It was basically the same deal with Paul during his life after his conversion. Though he loved the people and serving his savior in reclaiming the lost, he longed for home. He knew he was needed here, that there were so many people who needed to hear the saving power of the good news of Jesus Christ, but he longed to be home. Home with his Friends and family. Home in the safety and security of his Father's house...Heaven. 

I find myself, as I get older and more spiritually mature, deeply longing for my Father's home. It's not that I have a death wish or that I am miserable here, but I long for the safety and security of my Father's house. I hear people  often say that being here (on earth) is better than the alternative, but with that, I'd have to argue. For a believer we know that nothing could be better than being in the unhindered, sinless presents of our Heavenly Father. The thought of it makes me long for home. 


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