Thursday, June 19, 2014

Christian No More

"And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption."
(Ephesians 4:30)

I was reading an article about a "Christian" heavy metal band (As I Lay Dying), who's lead singer stated that, he had become an atheist and that their band was just using Christianity to sell music. He went on to say something that really caught my attention, and I quote: "I actually wasn’t the first guy in 'As I Lay Dying' to stop being a Christian. In fact, I think I was the third." Did you catch that? Please tell me you did. He stated that he "stopped being a Christian", like it was just something you do or act like. That's like saying, "I stopped being Caucasian". 

So many people today think that Christianity is nothing more than a normal religion. That it's like becoming a Buddhist or a Muslim & that it is nothing more than making up your mind and just doing it or not doing it. 

Christianity, though many misuse the name, isn't a religion. Now it is in the world's eyes as in how beliefs are grouped up with other religions, but it is not like other religions; it is a personal relationship. The word religion itself, is defined as "a system of beliefs". But unlike religion where you follow rules and regulations, and do certain things to be saved, if there is salvation in that specific  religion, or to appease the god of your religion, Christianity is much different. When you repent and turn to Christ for salvation, at that point and time the Holy Spirit seals you, never to leave you (Romans 11:29). It's not something you just decide not to be. 

Can you fall away? Yes. That would be backsliding. Can you lose your salvation? No. Again, if you are truly saved, God will not take it away (Again Romans 11:29). 

Often you will hear people say "I tried Christianity and it didn't work" or like the heavy metal guy above, "I stopped being a Christian", but truth be known, they never truly accepted Jesus. They never were "born again" as Jesus stated in Matthew 3.  Once you are born again, Ephesians 4:30 says that you are "sealed" by the Holy Spirit. The greatest verse on this assurance of salvation is John 10:28, where Jesus states: "I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand." Jesus, our savior, God in flesh says that once we are saved, truly saved, then we are saved eternally. That sums it up. He made the rules, it's His world, His universe...heck His everything. He should know. 

So is Christianity just something I can just stop? No. And honestly the real question is: when the Holy Spirit truly lives in you, why would you want to? 


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