Friday, June 20, 2014

That Ain't My Daddy

"Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: 'I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god." 
(Isaiah 44:6)

It's funny what my dad had to put up with because of his name. It's a somewhat common name, Charles Mason. You would think that would be easy enough. But there have been numerous times that we would be somewhere and he would have to leave his name and the person would say his name back with a surprised tone to their voice. Kind of like this:

Dad: "We would like to get a seat."
Hostess: "What's your name?"
Dad: "Charles Mason."
Hostess: "Charles Manson!!!!!????"
Dad: "No! Charles Mason!"

Yep, my dad has a name that is very close to the name of one of the most evil men ever to walk the face of the  earth. A murdering. brainwashing psychopath  named Charles Manson. It's amazing how a little letter like an "N" will confuse people. 

But my earthly dad isn't the only one people have confused with someone evil. My Heavenly Father is often confused with false gods. Back in 2003 George W. Bush made a statement that Muslims and Christians worshipped the same God. Many others have made this same mistake. For some reason people make a statement without looking at the background of Allah and the truth of who God is. 

Allah was a false moon god, one of many worshiped in Mecca. Long story short Muhammad's sect wanted only Allah worshiped and killed those who did not believe that Allah the moon god was the only god. That is where the crescent moon and sword symbol comes from. 

God as He stated of Himself in Isaiah, is the first and the last. There are no other gods...He is it. He is not Allah, He is not Zeus, Poseidon or Baal. He is The great I Am. The one and only God not to be confused with any of the world's false gods. 


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