Monday, February 18, 2008


The Bible tells us that when we accept Christ, we're like a newborn baby. I was thinking about that, and you know how little babies all have that big water-head. Their bodies are small but their heads are huge. And when you stand them up and step back to let them walk to you, their head kind of rolls around and POW! They fall. As new Christians we are just like that. We step out into this new life that God has given us and if we are not careful, (and even sometimes when we are) we fall. But just like a good parent, God picks use up, dusts us off and tells us to keep coming. Keep walking toward Him.
When my son was a baby, we had to teach him to walk. At first he fell a lot. Then before we knew it he was walking, running and jumps. He doesn't fall near as much as he did when he was a baby.
See when we start out as new Christians we stumble and sometimes fall. But as we grow by keeping our eyes focused on Christ, then we start to walk better.
I don't fall near as much as I did early on. I have found out that if you stay in God's word and spend time with Him in prayer then that helps you to grow stronger. And when you do stumble and fall, get up turn to God and get it right with Him.
Christian maturity isn't about age, it's about devotion.
Stay Strong!!!


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