Monday, February 18, 2008

Wal-Mart Sermon

"See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God..."
(1 John 3:1)

We often find ourselves in our local Wal-Mart (don't laugh that's where I see you) to buy groceries, shop for birthdays, holidays… oh who am I kidding, If my fiance' and I have a night without our boys we somehow end up at Wal-Mart. But anyway, When we go in, my boys and I usually head straight for the toys. Other than cutting grass that's another reason I had children, so that I could play with toys and no one would think I was crazy. One night when we were in the toy section, I noticed most of the kids in there didn't have a parent with them and they were running WILD! Some were flying up and down the aisles on bikes, some were ripping toys out of there packages and playing with them, some were throwing Nerf footballs around and some kid was just walking around knocking stuff off the peg hooks just to watch them fall (he was a weird little kid, he laughed a lot).

I got to thinking that if they were mine I'd bust their tail, but I didn't; because they were not mine. But just like I didn't discipline them, I also didn't buy them anything., again because they're not mine. Now my boys are a different story. Of course they aren't do any of those things, for one they are good kids, but they also know that I am prone to busting a tail. I can discipline them, because they are mine. On occasion I buy them things, again, because they are mine. You by now probably see where I'm going. I hear so many people say "I've prayed and prayed but I get no answer". You will not until you're His. See just like I don't take care of those kids at Wal-Mart because they're not mine. God will not take care of us until we are His. He will not hear any prayer from an unbeliever other than a prayer for repentance. But when you are His, He can provide for you, and sometimes discipline you when needed.

God is my Father. I come to Him as a child comes to his Father. Jesus when teaching us to pray, told us to use Father. When you accept Christ you become heirs with Christ. You inherit the things of God. Nothing makes me more happy than when my sons come to me with their problems or needs. If it makes an imperfect father like me happy, how much more do you think it makes an all perfect, all loving God happy.
Make sure that you are His. Accept Christ today.


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