Monday, February 18, 2008

Legend Has It

Legend has it that a missionary was swept overboard while traveling on a very high & rough sea, & was subsequently washed up on a beach at the edge of a remote native village. Nearly dead from exposure & lack of food & fresh water, he was found by the people of the village & nursed back to health. He lived among them for 20 years, quietly adapting to their culture & working alongside them. He preached no sermon, & made no personal faith claim. He neither read nor recited scripture to them.
But…when people were sick, he sat with them, sometimes all night. When people were hungry, he fed them. When people were lonely, he gave a listening ear. He taught the ignorant & always took the side of the one who had been wronged.

The day came when missionaries entered this village & began talking to the people about a man named Jesus. After listening for awhile to their story, the native people began insisting that Jesus had already been living in their village for many years. "Come", one of them said, "we'll introduce you to him." The missionaries were led to a hut where they found their long-lost companion!

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men… It is the Lord Christ you are serving." Colossians 3:23,24
If it's work, school or whatever. Live right, so you can share often.


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