Wednesday, June 25, 2014

There's No Place Like Home

"...My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better." (Philippians 1:23)

I remember when I was young and on a trip with our church youth group. We went to Florida for a retreat. We had worship, played games, spent time on the beach, met new people, just had a great time. But I often longed for home. My own bed, my moms cooking, the comfort of knowing that my dad had the doors locked and we were safe and secure. My family was there and I missed my friends in the neighborhood. I was having fun and enjoyed the beach, but I  wanted to be home. As Dorothy would say...there's no place like home. 

It was basically the same deal with Paul during his life after his conversion. Though he loved the people and serving his savior in reclaiming the lost, he longed for home. He knew he was needed here, that there were so many people who needed to hear the saving power of the good news of Jesus Christ, but he longed to be home. Home with his Friends and family. Home in the safety and security of his Father's house...Heaven. 

I find myself, as I get older and more spiritually mature, deeply longing for my Father's home. It's not that I have a death wish or that I am miserable here, but I long for the safety and security of my Father's house. I hear people  often say that being here (on earth) is better than the alternative, but with that, I'd have to argue. For a believer we know that nothing could be better than being in the unhindered, sinless presents of our Heavenly Father. The thought of it makes me long for home. 


Monday, June 23, 2014

Are You Ready

"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

I was watching Stossel one night and they were talking about freezing people in order for them to live and never have to die. It's called Cryogenics, now, that made me sound smart. First time I ever heard about Cryogenics was on the movie "Demolition Man" starring Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes back in 1993. You remember, Simon Phoenix (Snipes) was a violent criminal who was was the new way to imprison criminals.  But some bad guys in the government thawed him out. Then they had to thaw out the typical rough and tough, 80's cop John Spartan (Stallone) because due to the lack of crime in the future the new cops couldn't handle the wild and insane Simon Phoenix. Now that may have taken away the intelligent look that I had earlier. But anyway...back to Stossel. 

John Stossel asked a question to open the segment on Cryogenics, "Are you ready to live forever?" What a great question. We often as Christians ask people "If you died today, would you go to Heaven?" But Stossel's question was much better. 

A lot of people see dying as the end. It's not at all the end, but just the very beginning of eternity. We were all created to live forever, but due to sin, our bodies will die. But the real us, our souls, what makes us think, laugh, cry and sing will live on. When our bodies lay deep in the ground, we will be either  dancing and singing in Heaven or agonizing and screaming in Hades. But for sure, we will all be in one of the two places. 

So think about that question again, really think about it, "Are you ready to live forever?" You can know for sure. 1 John 5:13 says, "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life." Do you want to know? If so, Jesus says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). It's all a matter of turning to Jesus in repentance and making Him your Lord and in turn making you ready to live forever. 


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Salt Life

"You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet." (Matthew 5:13)

Recently I saw two stories on Facebook, both caught my attention. One was about the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry and the other about a high school graduate by the name of Brooks Hamby. The two stories made me think about our Republic and the downward spiral that we are in. 

The first story was on Governor Rick Perry, who because of  some strong backlash from the homosexual community, crawfished on his stance on homosexuality. He stated that he neither condoned or condemned the homosexual lifestyle. He went on to say that "we are all God's children".  Which was cleared up in that article with the verse in John 1:12, "But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God..." Also 1 John 3:10, "By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother." It's sad that a man who is supposed to be a mature Christian could make the mistake of calling people who reject God's word and live in a lifestyle of sin , child of God.

The second story was on the graduate, Brooks Hamby, who was the salutatorian at his high school graduation ceremony. His speech was rejected by school officials 3 times due to the mention of his Christian faith. Brooks went on stage at his graduation to give his speech. In a very respectful way gave it, including the mention of his speech being turned down numerous times due to the mention of his faith. He went on to quote this verse, "You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet." (Matthew 5:13)

When I look at these two stories and the verse that Mr Hamby quoted, it stands as a stark reminder of the condition that our nation is in. Our politicians are scared. They are for the most part backing off of moral issues hoping to get elected. They are going with the flow to not offend any potential voters.  While the young people are standing, exhausted at the wishy washy leadership they have before them. School officials striking down a speech that speaks of someone's faith because they are too lazy to check the rights of a student. Politicians squirming when asked tough questions. Church going adults who ride the pew like a cowboy rides a horse. Parents who talk the talk but don't put one foot in front of the other to walk the walk. What's wrong with our nation? The leaders of all sorts, are leading by example...a bad example. 

It is very encouraging to see young people like Brooks Hamby who are not afraid to speak out and doing it in a respectful way. Reminds me of another verse, "Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." (1 Timothy 4:12) I pray that revival comes to America and it may very well start with the young. 


Friday, June 20, 2014

That Ain't My Daddy

"Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: 'I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god." 
(Isaiah 44:6)

It's funny what my dad had to put up with because of his name. It's a somewhat common name, Charles Mason. You would think that would be easy enough. But there have been numerous times that we would be somewhere and he would have to leave his name and the person would say his name back with a surprised tone to their voice. Kind of like this:

Dad: "We would like to get a seat."
Hostess: "What's your name?"
Dad: "Charles Mason."
Hostess: "Charles Manson!!!!!????"
Dad: "No! Charles Mason!"

Yep, my dad has a name that is very close to the name of one of the most evil men ever to walk the face of the  earth. A murdering. brainwashing psychopath  named Charles Manson. It's amazing how a little letter like an "N" will confuse people. 

But my earthly dad isn't the only one people have confused with someone evil. My Heavenly Father is often confused with false gods. Back in 2003 George W. Bush made a statement that Muslims and Christians worshipped the same God. Many others have made this same mistake. For some reason people make a statement without looking at the background of Allah and the truth of who God is. 

Allah was a false moon god, one of many worshiped in Mecca. Long story short Muhammad's sect wanted only Allah worshiped and killed those who did not believe that Allah the moon god was the only god. That is where the crescent moon and sword symbol comes from. 

God as He stated of Himself in Isaiah, is the first and the last. There are no other gods...He is it. He is not Allah, He is not Zeus, Poseidon or Baal. He is The great I Am. The one and only God not to be confused with any of the world's false gods. 


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Christian No More

"And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption."
(Ephesians 4:30)

I was reading an article about a "Christian" heavy metal band (As I Lay Dying), who's lead singer stated that, he had become an atheist and that their band was just using Christianity to sell music. He went on to say something that really caught my attention, and I quote: "I actually wasn’t the first guy in 'As I Lay Dying' to stop being a Christian. In fact, I think I was the third." Did you catch that? Please tell me you did. He stated that he "stopped being a Christian", like it was just something you do or act like. That's like saying, "I stopped being Caucasian". 

So many people today think that Christianity is nothing more than a normal religion. That it's like becoming a Buddhist or a Muslim & that it is nothing more than making up your mind and just doing it or not doing it. 

Christianity, though many misuse the name, isn't a religion. Now it is in the world's eyes as in how beliefs are grouped up with other religions, but it is not like other religions; it is a personal relationship. The word religion itself, is defined as "a system of beliefs". But unlike religion where you follow rules and regulations, and do certain things to be saved, if there is salvation in that specific  religion, or to appease the god of your religion, Christianity is much different. When you repent and turn to Christ for salvation, at that point and time the Holy Spirit seals you, never to leave you (Romans 11:29). It's not something you just decide not to be. 

Can you fall away? Yes. That would be backsliding. Can you lose your salvation? No. Again, if you are truly saved, God will not take it away (Again Romans 11:29). 

Often you will hear people say "I tried Christianity and it didn't work" or like the heavy metal guy above, "I stopped being a Christian", but truth be known, they never truly accepted Jesus. They never were "born again" as Jesus stated in Matthew 3.  Once you are born again, Ephesians 4:30 says that you are "sealed" by the Holy Spirit. The greatest verse on this assurance of salvation is John 10:28, where Jesus states: "I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand." Jesus, our savior, God in flesh says that once we are saved, truly saved, then we are saved eternally. That sums it up. He made the rules, it's His world, His universe...heck His everything. He should know. 

So is Christianity just something I can just stop? No. And honestly the real question is: when the Holy Spirit truly lives in you, why would you want to? 


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Awe Full

"Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe..." (Acts 2:1)

When was the last time that you attended a church service, and was filled with a sense of awe? 
Not from a good sermon, a song you really enjoy or an amazing performance by a talented choir. But an awe of who God is, and what He has done. 

You ever wondered how we can enter a church service and leave the same as we came in? Usually it's that way for most in the American church today. Your membership may be growing because the music is suitable to those who attend. Your pastor maybe a great orator. You may have a cool youth minister. You may have great fellowship. Your church maybe the hottest thing on the church scene at that moment. But for some reason, when you leave a service, life is life. Oh the service is awesome and really gets your blood pumping...but when you leave...what is there? 

The New Testament church, the first church, had no problem with being filled with awe. But why were they? They were so amazed that the Holy Spirit, God, would live in them, would save them after what they had done to Him. They were in awe of His love, mercy and grace. So much so they turned the world upside down. 

Vance Havner tells about a missionary who was in a foreign country leading a church service. After the service was over the people didn't leave. The missionary said, "The service is over you can all go home and go to bed". But the people responded, "You just told us that God loves this world so much that He died for it, so that we could live forever!! We can't go home and go to sleep!" Mr. Havner said that those people couldn't sleep after hearing the gospel, but we in America go to sleep while listening to it. 

Where is our sense of awe? What has happened to it? Is our churches, with our million dollar buildings, padded pews, gyms...I mean "family life centers", highly educated staff and nice choirs not enough to cause awe? No! They are not enough...and often times are the reason for our lack of awe. We have gotten so use to being catered to & entertained...that if our pastor said, we are not having choir today or coffee and snacks, we are just going to pray and have Bible study, you would have a slim crowd in attendance. 

I've been as guilty as anyone in the way I had attended church. It is easy for it to become a routine or a habit. But it's not meant to be that way. The first church was in awe of who God was and what He had done for them despite how they had treated Him. They were in awe of the way they felt, the way He was changing them. The love they had for one another. They were in awe of God. 

We need and must have revival in our own lives. Don't wait for others to do it, get alone with God yourself and seek revival in your own heart. Put a fire back into your Christian life, by allowing Christ to live through you. Be the spark that your church family needs to see, so that they too will become on fire for God.  Make your worship full of awe.


"God of This City"