Saturday, January 15, 2011

Automatic Love Service

“…for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her."
(Luke 10:42)

When Jesus sat down in Martha & Mary’s house, so did Mary…right at Jesus feet. She was intently listening to His every word, not noticing that she had left her sister Martha to do all the work…but Martha noticed. Her words to Jesus were, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.” Jesus told Martha that she was worried about too many things…but Mary was showing her love for Jesus, with her worship. Her heart was solely on Christ & His words, He said that “Mary has chosen the good part…” and that it would not be taken from her.

When it comes to a decision between love & service Jesus wants our love much more than anything else & often our service can get in the way of our love for Him. Charles H. Spurgeon once said: 

“Give us a church that loves Jesus Christ much. You will have mighty prayer-meetings; you will have a holy membership; you will have liberal giving to the cause of Christ; you will have hearty praising of his name; you will have careful walking before the world; you will have earnest endeavors for the conversion of sinners. Missions at home and abroad will be set on foot when love is fervent.” 

When people truly love God, there will be no problem in getting them to serve, it will be automatic. But service for service sake…is not service done out of love and it will not glorify God.


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