Monday, January 24, 2011

Crisis of Darkness

I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.
(John 12:46)

On November 4th 1979 52 citizens of the U.S. were held hostage for 444 days, in what was known as the Iran Hostage Crisis, I was about 8 or 9 when I remember seeing the news footage of the hostages being lead outside of the U.S. Embassy in Iran blindfolded. It’s been thirty years since & watching the reunion of the captives & seeing the old footage brings back memories, for me it was what Star Wars figure I wanted next, but for Barry Rosen, one of the 52, there was a much different, more terrifying memory of intense interrogation and pain. His quote was “For 2 months we didn’t see any light at all. We were absolutely in total darkness.” Can you imagine being in total darkness for 2 months? No sunshine, no beautiful candlelight…just darkness.

Total darkness is a place that a lot of people today, if they are honest, are smack dab in the middle of , it may be the darkness caused by problems in a Christians life that they have no control over, like an unwanted divorce, money trouble, loss of a job, loss of a loved one or a teen gone haywire. The darkness maybe from never placing their faith in Jesus, but whatever the cause…it’s not a fun place to be. Some may disguise it well…a Christian may put on a mask to go to church so everyone will think things are great & an unbeliever may search for happiness by partying…either way they are both in a form of darkness & despite the outward appearance…they are hurting.

In John 12:46 Jesus said that He had “come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” We can come out of the darkness…but we won’t do it alone…allow Jesus to guide you out. If you’re a Christian get with God & ask Him to guide you through this & get with another believer & ask for prayer & allow them to counsel with you. If you’re lost…come to Jesus now…don’t put it off any longer…the darkness only gets darker…but there is hope...hope in Christ.


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