Saturday, January 8, 2011

Live Trees?

He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life.
(1 John 5:12)

When Christmas time rolls around and you want a real tree you go down to the lot to pick one up. When you pull up you see the sign that they have out in front of the lot that reads “Live Trees”, but truth be known…those trees are not alive. They have been cut off from their source of life. Now they still look alive, you take them home & decorate them up real pretty & all, but they are slowly dying, they are in a state of decay. It want be long until you can see the decay. You can leave your decorations on it to try and help it look alive, but…it’s dead.

Much like that tree, unbelievers & Christians often try to live away from their source of nutrients & life. They try to live without Jesus altogether or not spending time with Him daily. They may attend church & often do…they even come in all dressed up in their “Christian” decorations, trying to cover up the decay. But sooner or later, their decay will start to show.

1 John 5:12 tells us that if we have Jesus we have life, it’s when you do not accept that life or you neglect that life that you die. Now a Christian will not lose their salvation, but they will spiritually dry up…with no sign of a spiritual life & become plagued with trouble through bad decisions. They will also become a stumbling block for new & weak believers as well as non-believers. Their life will give no glory to God, but will only hinder the Christian witness.

If you are in this state & are reading this blog…take the time to evaluate your life. Do you feel that God is convicting you of the life you have been living? Do you feel that you need to accept Him, ask Him to come into your life & turn it over to Him? Or do you know that you are saved, but that you have been trying to live without being totally attached to your spiritual food source of a time with God daily? Whatever the case, all you have to do is come to Jesus & tell Him the problem…He wants you to be saved & His will is for you to walk with Him. He’s just waiting on you. He will never give up on you…but He will not make you, so it’s up to you. Is He calling you? Are you listening? Take this new year & become the new person Jesus wants you to be.


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