Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Vegetable Church

"He is also head of the body, the church"
(Clossians 1:18)

I had actually felt God leading me to write this several months ago, I was reluctant to put it out after I wrote it...but feel as though I should now.

The American church today is like a body that has been paralyzed from the neck down. A body who's head is fine...in fact the church's head is perfectly fine, but its the body that isn't functioning correctly. Its the body that will not follow & take guidance from the head. For the body to be paralyzed there has to be a problem between the Body & the head...our problem is our sin.

There is no life in the church today. I'm not talking about the Benny Hinn crap of slapping you in the head & making you twitch on the floor, But real, true life...life that only comes from the Son...the head of the church. We are told in God's word, and I blogged about it last time, that, "He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life" (1 John 5:12). Our churches do not need another "Great Awakening"...no we are too far passed that in our American churches...no we need a great reviving. We are not asleep in America...we are DEAD! You've been to funerals where people always say about the deceased, "They look good" or "They look so natural...like they're just asleep." Death is not natural...dead is dead & you can't look natural dead. We need to be revived...not a half week preaching with some good music & food, but to be revived...brought back to life or back to the Life, we need to individually search our own hearts before God & make a decision to repent & follow Him, whole heartedly in selfless devotion. God doesn't want our churchiness, He doesn't want our good works or our fancy church buildings...He wants our hearts!

When Jesus went to raise his friend Lazarus from the dead, He said "Remove the stone" from the tomb. But Mary, Lazarus' sister said, "Lord, by this time there will be a stench, for he has been dead four days"...But I'm telling you that the church in America has been dead way longer than four days & we stink to high Heaven...we are a stench in the nostrils of God.

It is time that we are revived, raised from the dead! But are we too far gone? No, Jesus also said to Mary the sister of Lazarus, "Did I not say to you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?" We are to believe that God can still revive this church in America & I believe He has already started...He has been putting us in the place we need to be...on our knees. He has showed us that we are not to depend on the economy or anything else other than Him. We can not function without Him. We have tried for too long to run the body without the head, but no matter how much make-up we put on it, how natural we try to make it look...we are still dead & the body can't work that way.

When Jesus raised Lazarus He cried out, "Lazarus come forth!" God is crying out to us the American church to "COME FORTH! Come Forth & Live! Be Revived!" But how much longer will He call?


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"God of This City"