Sunday, December 28, 2008

Do You Have Gas?

I drive about 64 miles round trip on the interstate, back & forth to work, while I'm driving I often see cars sitting on the shoulder with their blinkers on & someone adding gas with a gas can or maybe changing a tire. I got to thinking…I know what you're saying…"Vern thinks?" Ha Ha & LOL, you're hilarious…anyway I was thinking, those cars I encounter are all on the right road, headed in the right direction toward their planned destination, but something stopped them, something put a halt to their progress. Maybe it was something that was unexpected like a blown tire, a overheated engine or maybe it was that they ran out of gas, knowing that they were low & just praying that they could make it with out running out. I believe as Christians, we often find ourselves in the same situation, well maybe we don't have our blinkers on, I mean that would look goofy if we had blinkers & …(my bad, little A.D.D. time there). But we do often find ourselves in this same state. We are headed in the right direction, we are following God & spending time with Him daily, in His word, when all of a sudden BOOM, something happens in our life that slows us down to a stop, maybe a sickness in our family, a loss of a job, a divorce that we didn't want, a child that goes against what we've taught them, something that just blindsided us. Then we find ourselves off on that shoulder as a Christian wondering what happened & what we did wrong. In these cases there are times when we maybe at fault, but not always. It maybe that we did everything right & these things still happened.

There are also those times when we find ourselves on the shoulder because we were pushing it, we were almost out of gas, riding on fumes. Maybe we filled up last week but this week we didn't take the time to stop & get with God. We were just too busy, we made the decision to watch T.V. instead of reading the Bible. Maybe we just have been lazy in getting with God & filling up. When we don't we feel like we've lost something , we feel useless, we feel depressed or confused.
See, we maybe on the right road, headed the right direction to our planned destination, but what good is that, if we are sitting on the shoulder…out of gas. We can't affect others when we are in that situation. If you are feeling like you're out of gas…stop & fuel up. If we are on the interstate & broke down, we don't just sit there, we call for help & fix the problem. When things happen that we can't just fix, we depend on someone else to repair them. God is a great spiritual mechanic.
David had a time in his life that he had fallen away from God, he had made a mess. Now remember that David before his fall with Bathsheba, was a honest, sincere man of God & he was the king of God's people. But after his fall he was confronted by God through Nathan. David saw his sin & understood how far he had fallen from God. In Psalm 51 it gives us a look into David's prayer of repentance. In that prayer David ask God to do something that if you are "sitting on the shoulder" will help you. He asked God to "Restore to me the joy of Your salvation…" The "…joy of Your salvation…" If you are on that shoulder, you know Jesus as Savior & Lord, but for some reason you've fallen back, come to God & simply ask Him to restore you to the joy of His salvation…Jesus Christ.
Hey…Fuel up!!!!!!!!!


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