Thursday, December 18, 2008

Why doesn`t God do anything possible to help people get into heaven?

This is a new Question that I receieved.
Hope you enjoy it.

"Why doesn't God do anything possible to help people get into heaven? Either he doesn't want to or he can't, which is it? Why doesn't God do it [Why doesn't God appear in the sky in a booming voice reassuring everyone of His existence]? As I've shown above, God must want to do anything to get more people into heaven, so why doesn't he?"

God has shown Himself in the past generations. Adam & Eve, the prophets of old, Moses, the disciples & the people of that area at that time, Paul, etc… But there are those now days that do not believe it. We are the future generation, many years removed from them. If God showed himself to us on December 3rd, 2008, only those people who are alive at that time would know it. All others would have to take their word for it. Then over time they would doubt also, because of man's sinful nature & laziness in handing down information.
It comes down to this, God has revealed Himself today through His word & fulfilled prophecy. Fulfilled prophecy is God's proof that the Bible was written by Him. He has also revealed Himself to us through nature & His creation, as well as placing it in us from birth (Romans 1:18-25).
As Christians we can't use our experiences with God as proof, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, Hindus, Hari Krishnas, native American Indians and countless others claim to have had an experiences with god. So as far as our experiences, they are not trust worthy. Experiences are not objective truth. But the Bible is objective truth because it gives us a reason to believe through prophecy (Deut. 18:21-22).
Fulfilled prophecy is the proof that God exists and has spoken, He has no need to come booming out at us today. He has spoken to all through the Holy Spirit, drawing them to Himself, some will listen & some will turn away. He has also done all that needs to be done for us to obtain salvation through the death & resurrection of Jesus Christ. But even then there will be those who will not believe. There will be those who say, "That's not good enough", butJesus said it best in Luke 16:31, where He tells us that "If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead."


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