Thursday, December 18, 2008

"Incase" He Is Dead

"Knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin…"
Romans 6:6

There was a story that was told to have taken place back during the antebellum days, in Georgia, before the Civil War.
It was about a wife of a rich plantation owner. She loved her husband so much that when he died she did the weirdest thing, it was kind of morbid, she had him embalmed, sitting in a chair & placed him in an airtight glass case. The case was displayed in the foyer of their plantation home, facing the front door, he was the first thing that you saw when you opened the door… him, sitting there staring right at you. Weird right?
Well, her friends thought that this was weird also & not good for her… duh. So they talked here into traveling, to help ease her mind. She set out for Europe, site seeing & shopping. Her travels lasted about two years. While out & about, she met a nice man whom she fell in love with & soon married.
After the honeymoon they decided to go back to the plantation home in Georgia. Like any good groom, when they arrived he picked her up & carried her across the threshold & was met there by the incased body of her old husband. The new groom asked who it was in the glass case. She had forgotten all about him & was shy in saying that it was her old husband. The new husband thought that it was very odd & told her that they would just have to bury him, soon as possible. I mean can you imagine having him staring at you every day? The next evening he was buried.
Now whether or not this story is true or not, I don't know, but it sure does describe what happens to us when we become a new creation in Christ. As odd as it was for her to hang on to the old dead body of her husband, when she was remarried to a man very much alive, it's just as odd for a born again believer in Jesus Christ to hold on to that "old self", which also would be or should be dead to us.
When you accept Christ, there is no need to hang onto the "old you", the one that was dead in trespasses & sin. The Bible says that those old things have passed away, & that you are a new creation. So all of the old things that I did, that were done in my old "sinful self" are dead, it was crucified with Christ & the Bible says it no longer lives.
So, to live the same as I did before, would be just plain weird.


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