Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Garbage?? YUUUP!!

"Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger,  and give no opportunity to the devil."
(Ephesians 4:26-27)

With not a whole lot on the old T.V. theses days and seeing more and more how the T.V. earned it's slang name "the idiot box", I have fallen into some of the "reality" shows like Duck Dynasty, Pawn Stars and one of my favorites, Storage Wars. These guys buy abandoned storage units at auction then search it for treasures. Sometimes they roll up the door and it is filled with many resalable items and sometimes when they are lucky they find a real treasure that they can sell for more than they paid for the unit. But more often than not they find garbage. 

When we hold anger and hurts inside and store them away without resolving them, it's a lot like someone boxing up rotten, stinking garbage and storing it in a storage unit with their valuables. The longer they leave those garbage filled boxes in with their valuables the more their valuables will start to smell like putrid trash. Not only does it cause your good stuff to smell, but it also takes up room that could be used to store more of your valuables, and if you keep storing those rotten, stinking, garbage filled boxes you will not have room for any good things.  

Ephesians 4 tells us that at times we will become angry, but not to let it lead to sin, by holding onto it and letting it fester. When we do that, it takes root in our soul and what we usually do is get angry, but act like we are not, then when that person makes us angry again, then they get both barrels, the old hurt and anger they caused and the new hurt and anger comes out at once and it ain't pretty. We also get bitter, we hold onto hurt and we begin to trust no one and expect everyone to hurt us. Then as Ephesians say, we give "...opportunity to the devil". It actually tells us to not store up anger so that we do not give opportunity to the Devil. Satan loves to work in the heart of a bitter person, especially a Christian. He can cause divisions where it will hurt the most, churches, families, friends, etc...

Stop storing up bad & store up good...kick the devil to the curb out of your storage unit and do not allow him to take up an ounce of your heart....YUUUUP!!!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Should've Been Me

"For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."
(1 Corinthians 1:18)

(Check out Citizen Way's "Should've Been Me" video below after the blog)

In church today we sang the song, "The Old Rugged Cross", what a great song. As we sang it I was so moved and another song came to mind, "Should've been me", by Citizen Way. The chorus says, "It should've been me, It should've been us, Should've been there hanging on a cross..." It made me picture what it would have been like if it would have been me. 

I should have been on that cross, my back beaten, torn, bloody, my flesh shredded. My beard pulled out by the roots from my skin, my eyes blackened, my body stripped of clothes, naked before the world. My head pierced with long, sharp thorns from a manmade crown forced upon my head to mock me. A sign above my head, not saying "King of the Jews", but "Shawn Mason a Sinner". Splinters in my mangled back as they drove rusty, blood stained spikes through my hands and feet. My cries from the torture, not of forgiveness and love...but of pain and cursing. My side open from the thrust of the spear, my blood and water pouring out. But not for salvation of the world, but for my damnation, my death. 

But that's not what happened. No...just the opposite, Jesus died in my place for my sins. For my wrong, my nastiness, my lying, my stealing, my drunkenness, my sexual corruption, my selfishness, my evil desires, my pride, my sick and twisted heart and mind...my...mySELF. What I couldn't do, He did...died for all our sins and was raised to give us life, a new life. My death would have resulted in...my death. His death resulted in my life...eternal life. Thank God He took my place. 


Sunday, September 30, 2012

I Skeered

 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; whom shall I dread?
(Psalm 27:1)

I remember growing up and often being scared of the dark, scared of dark woods, shadows, monsters under the bed, in the closet, outside the window, and most of all the monsters that I brought on myself...yes the reason I was scared most all the time when I was young, was because I brought the fear on myself. Here are a few examples. 

Once I went to a friend's house who lived behind us, just on the other side of a small patch of woods, which I had to walk through, down a narrow path to get there. While over there one evening he talked me into staying to watch an educational film...the first Halloween movie. They had HBO, we did not, so this was something I thought was great, I sat and watched it. I was scared to death by the time they finally killed Michael Myers....or did they? 

The wild thing was, that coming over there was easy, it was daylight...but coming home at nine at night, through the woods....AHHHHHHH!!!! What was I thinking?? watching Halloween!!! Was I stupid? I had to walk home down that dark dimly moonlit path. I couldn't call my dad to come get me, he would wonder why I couldn't just walk home, I had done it a million times. I couldn't tell him that I watched that movie...he would have killed me!! So I toughed it out. I reluctantly entered the woods hearing things I have never heard before, feeling faint, clammy, my stomach was really rolling. But as fast as I entered those woods I left those woods, like a gazelle I ran, jumping over vines, juking limbs, if anyone would have grabbed me it would have ripped their arms off. I learned quick that scary movies were not my thing....& still are not today. Heck i don't do good with Criminal Minds. 

Another time I had  purchased a large poster from my school's book fair...funny, I don't ever remember buying books at those things. I got home with that poster and quickly grabbed some thumb tacks and hung it up where it was visible from every area of the room. It was an awesome poster. A graveyard scene. Tombstones, large, old tree with no leaves, a light fog covering the ground and a full moon in the sky. But that wasn't all. There were different classic monsters on this poster, Frankenstein with outstretched arms, the wolfman looking out from behind the tree, Dracula creeping toward you, the mummy rising up from a grave and the Creature from the Black Lagoon coming out of the small pond in the right corner....oooohhh yea that was a scary poster. 

It hung there all day and then that night it was time for bed, so I cut off my light, and running from my bedroom door, I leaped from about three feet away, onto my bed...SAFE!!! Don't laugh you did it too, didn't want the monster under the bed to grab my feet while I was getting in.  I was just getting comfortable when to my utter terror, I noticed something that had slipped my mind...the monsters on the poster...GLOWED IN THE DARK!!!! What was I, a goodun? Why did I hang that stupid poster? I was terrified...I had to sleep under the covers for protection  till morning when I could take it down. We all know that the thin sheets of a childs bed wards off monsters.  

Yea, I was a scared little kid growing up, but why? Like I said above, I usually brought it on myself, watching things I shouldn't and tampering with scary stuff. God doesn't want us to fear...He want's us to take comfort in Him, knowing that He will protect us. 

Psalm 27:1 says "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; whom shall I dread?" With God as our protector, we have no one to fear. God also tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7, that He doesn't give us fear, "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." So when you feel scared, remember who that comes from, then turn to God and allow Him to take it away. 

But also stay away from those things that are meant to bring fear into your life. Philippians 4:8 tells us to concentrate on what is good, "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." Now that's how to keep unwanted fear out of your life, dwell on good things not bad. 


Wednesday, July 25, 2012


For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world— our faith.
(1 John 5:4)

As Christians we often find ourselves in situations where we feel defeated, out numbered & somewhat surrounded by the sin, destruction & decay of the world. We almost see the world around us as too overwhelming to fight against. Like we have lost the battle & the war. Maybe it's a loved one who seems to be away from God, a sin you struggle with, persecution of your faith, a feeling that this world is too far gone to save, etc... But I heard it said once that "We are not fighting to get to victory, but fighting as victors." I don't think we look at life from that angle like we should. 

In the story of Gideon in Judges 7:1-25, Gideon is called to lead God's people against the huge army of Midian that numbered about 135,000. The crazy thing was God reduced Gideon's army down to 300 from 32,000. Thirty two thousand would have been too small, much less 300. But Gideon & his men would soon find out that they wouldn't have to fight at all...God was going to fight for them, & He did. Gideon, like us, was fighting his battle from the standpoint of a victor, not fighting to become a victor. 

God tells us in 1 John 5:4 that if we are "born of God" that we are victors over the world for that reason alone. It's nothing we did, but that God did through Jesus Christ. We are now victors over, sin, death, destruction, persecution, etc... we  don't have to fear the world, we are already victors over it. In other words we have already won the war, so the battles no longer need to exist. Often, the battles that exist are only there because we let them be. For example: If we entertain sin, then the battle begins. But the battle ends when we go to God & realize, that that battle never had to take place...just keep sin where it needs to be...out of our lives. 

Does that mean that we can tamper with sin & then just ask for forgiveness & be fine, because we are victors? No, not at all...because with every battle (especially the ones we take on alone, & when we dive into sin, we go alone)...there are casualties & in every sin there are consequences. 

I guess what we need to keep in mind is, that we will go through troubles & have temptations, but with them all, if we are saved, we are already victorious. So deal with everything as if you have victory over it already. "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Roll It Up & Repent

…every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
(James 1:14-15)

(Take a listen to the new song below, after reading)
The summer heat that is kicking right now makes me think of one thing...Hell!! Just joking, really it makes me think of the Holy Spirit & sin...yea I know, but just follow along & I promise it will make sense. When I’m in my car with the A/C on the hot summer heat can't hurt me...because of what I have on the inside. But let me just slightly crack the window & I quickly start to feel the effects of the nasty, blistering, summer heat & though the A/C is still working, the heat is still a problem I can't overlook.

When I crack the window of my life just a hair to sin...it quickly becomes a problem. Much like the heat that swiftly rushes in, it overtakes me. Even though the Holy Spirit is inside me & still at work, that sin makes it hard to recognize the working of the Spirit. It doesn’t take much to allow sin in & allow it to have reign in your life, just leave it the slightest opening. A little gossip with the girls, just a peek at porn, a white lie, some social drinking, sex before marriage, get lax in your time with God, etc... & Satan will slither right in & it won’t just affect you.

If I ride around in this heat with my window cracked, it doesn’t matter how high I have the A/C on, it makes it hard to even tell its working & by the sweat dripping off my brow...others can’t see that my A/C is working either. When you allow sin in, it doesn’t just affect you, it affects everyone you come in contact with & they’ll have a hard time telling if your A/C...I mean Holy Spirit is working.

Solution: If your window is cracked, roll it up & repent & seek God for guidance & forgiveness. He says that He is faithful & just to forgive you & cleanse you.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Just Jesus

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…”

(Galatians 5:22-23)

(Check out new video at bottom of blog)
While in Memphis this year working with “Street Reach”, which is a wonderful ministry from Brinkley Heights Baptist Church, we had a discussion where our site missionary asked what we thought was missing on the tough streets of Memphis & what we would give them to solve the problems if we could. We all kind of sat in silence for a bit…but what could we give them to solve their problems? I quietly asked God, “What could we do, what one thing would change this community?” I mean we know what’s missing; we know what we don’t see. No one seems to have a love for one another. The majority don’t seem joyful. It doesn’t at all seem peaceful…wait a minute!! At that time it hit me…no love, no joy, no peace, no patience, no kindness, no goodness, no faithfulness, no gentleness, no self-control!!

What would I bring to the tough streets of Memphis? The same thing that I would bring to the gated communities of Hoover or Vestavia, the same thing that I would bring to the poorest places in the world is the same thing that I’d bring to the wealthiest. But actually…it’s really not a “thing”, but a person…the Holy Spirit. In both, they can lack the fruit that only the Holy Spirit can produce. What or who can change the bad streets, rich or poor? Only Jesus Christ, living in people’s hearts…bringing what we all need for a true safe, civil society…love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self-control.

Can you imagine what life would be like if we all had the Holy Spirit living in us, guiding our lives, unrestricted by our desires? What one thing? Just Jesus.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Don't Lose Sight of Scripture

“For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.”
(Romans 15:4)

Often we think that when we have read through the Bible then we are done…that we have the main idea of the book, that we get the point of it. That would be true if the Bible were just a novel like War & Peace, Robinson Crusoe or Moby Dick. But the Bible our holy scriptures are “breathed out by God” (2 Tim 3:16), “…the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Heb 4:12). The Bible is not just a novel but the living breathing word of God.

Ever notice, if you truly study God’s word that when you read a verse & then down the road as you grow closer to God, when you read that verse again, it seems to give you more. God will give you what He can trust you with, when He can trust you with it. His truths are not going to be just thrown out to just anybody…but when a person is His & sincere about following Him then He will trust them with more & more. That’s why a nonbeliever cannot understand God’s word. Yea they can get the story line, but not the deep spiritual meanings that God wants to reveal to His children.

The Bible helps us remember who God is & what He can do. When you stay in it & see all the times that He has provided, protected & prospered His people, it will bring a sense of joy, comfort & peace in your life that He will do the same for you. The God that saved Noah & his family in the flood is the same God that will save you in your troubles. The God who led Abraham in his journey is the same God who will lead you in yours. The God who worked in the lives of Joseph, Moses, Daniel, Ruth, Peter, John & Paul…is the exact same God that will work in your life to lead, guide & make you successful in His will. But if you lose sight of scripture…you will lose sight of God. When you think that you know it, when you think that God cannot teach you anymore from His word, then you are leaning “…on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5), God will teach you from His word as long as you live & as long as you stay in it.

It’s not meant to be legalistic…often when you talk about the need to stay in God’s word daily, the first thing people say is that thinking someone has to read the Bible daily is legalism. But that is not what I mean. If you are reading your Bible as a way to just “appease” God or to just get brownie points for Heaven, then you are being legalistic. But if your goal is to learn God’s will, His truth & His love so it will affect your life…then yes daily Bible study is needed. Don’t freak out trying to read through it just to say you did. What good is it if you read it, but don’t remember it? You need to read in a way that you can study it. Take your time & soak it in, not fly through it just to say you read it. The Bible is meant to be your guide, your instruction manual for life. It should be enjoyable…if it is not or if you have no hunger for it, then there may be a spiritual problem. Be honest & ask God to search your heart. When He reveals the source of the problem to you, then handle it how He wants.

Get alone with God. Set yourself a time daily, just to spend building that strong relationship with Him. Stay in His word, so that you will remember who He is & how much He loves you.


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Joseph's Pit

“The LORD was with Joseph…”
(Genesis 39:2 & 21)

Joseph’s life was the “pits”…literally. Two times Joseph spent time in a pit. Once was when his “loving” brothers took him, at the age of 15, and threw him in a pit, with the intent to kill him. But God had other plans. So he was sold into slavery which ended him up in Egypt, in the house of  Potiphar the captain of the guards of Pharaoh. At this point the Bible says something very important, “The Lord was with Joseph…” This is not the only time we will see this in the life of Joseph.
Another time is when Joseph, while working in Potiphar’s house, was seduced by Potiphar’s wife. He stood strong and instead of sleeping with her, he ran. Which made her very angry, she accused him of rape and had him arrested. Again he was thrown into a pit, Egypt’s version of prison, where he spent many years. But again we see in verse 21, “…the Lord was with Joseph…” It’s cool that both times this is stated, is when he was pulled from a pit.
You ever feel like your life is full of pits? Unemployment pits. Loneliness pits. Divorce pits. Dead-end job pits, pits of emptiness, debt, and struggles. If so, remember one thing if you are a child of God who is living for Him…the Lord is with you. The same God that was with Joseph through the pits of his life…is the same God that is and will be with you through yours. And not only will He be with you, He will also make what you do and what you are involved in, within His will, succeed (Genesis 39:2 & 23).


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Great Tools

“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.
(1 Corinthians 12:4-6)

All tool companies seem to believe that they have the best tools. The best screwdriver to the best nail gun, they all believe they have the best, but what really makes them the best tools? You can take any tool and place it in my hands and it surly wouldn’t make it the best…or even a good one. 

A chisel and hammer in my hands, you’ll get a chipped up piece of stone that looks like a chipped up piece of stone. But in the hands of Michelangelo it would become a David. A circular saw in my hands and you will have some miss-cut boards and bad measurements. But in the hands of Bob Vila, you’ll have a beautiful home. It’s not the tool that is great when it’s just lying there not being used, or even in the hands of a novice…it’s when that tool hits the hands of a master craftsman that it becomes a great, useful tool.

My life in my hands…an awful mess, but in the hands of the Master Craftsman, you will have a useful tool. Jesus takes my life of nothing and before He ever starts He sees what He wants me to be and do. 

When I see what Michelangelo & Bob Vila have done and do, I don’t fully understand how they do it. They take a stone or a pile of lumber and make something beautiful. The tools they used never talked back to them, told them how to sculpt, build or ever jumped up on their own and did the work…they are useless without the craftsman. I don’t fully understand how Jesus takes my life and does what He does. But the good thing is, I don’t have to fully understand it…just enjoy it. Put your life in His hands and see what He does with you. 


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Free Stuff

“…but the free gift following many trespasses brought justification.”
(Romans 5:16)

(Check out Video at bottom, when done)

You can’t beat the word “free”, people all over the world can agree that free is good. If someone is in jail or in slavery, they would love to be free. You’re free to go, you’re free to stay. Here take one it’s “free”. Buy one get one “free” or better yet, my favorite, come in & receive one free, no purchase necessary. Free condiments, free T-shirts, free apps, free counsel, free credit reports, free music downloads, free tickets; free range chickens, free, free, free, free, FREE!!! Free seems to always be better. F.R.E.E. Forever, Repentant, Extravagant, Eggs. Ok, so I’m not good with acrostics, but enjoying free things, now that...I’m number one at.

But with all that said, free is awesome. But it is never more awesome than when it is used along with something that will last forever. In Romans Paul tells us how Jesus through His death & resurrection brought us a “Free gift”. It is a wonderful thing to know that I cannot earn my salvation. I can’t work hard enough, go to church long enough or be sweet enough to earn salvation…it’s free. “For the wages of sin is death, but the FREE gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)

Have you taken hold of that free gift? Romans 10:9 tells us what we need to do to receive that free gift, “…confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” If you haven’t…go to Him right now with an honest heart…He wants you to have it & He gives it…yep you guessed it… FREE.


Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bringing Jesus

Now those who were scattered went about preaching the word. Philip went down to the city of Samaria and proclaimed to them the Christ…So there was much joy in that city.
(Acts 8: 4-8)

I’ve been blessed to be involved in jail ministry for going on 12 years now & in that time have seen men & women in the darkest places of their lives. The jail is a place of loneliness & despair for many. A place where striving to keep your sanity is an everyday ordeal. I’ve talked with people who are on the edge of giving up & at the slimy, rocky bottom of their lives. But in that cold, dark place of empty hearts & deep depression, there is a light. In the middle of intense anxiety & self-inflicted hardship there is a joy. But where does it come from?

It’s amazing & awesome I would say at times, but truly, every time, that God allows me & others the opportunity to go in & share Jesus in the cellblocks. It’s wonderful to see someone who had always seen God as distant, cold & uncaring come to realize that the God of the Old & New Testament, though He never changed & is holy & just…was also close, warm & loving & that they could become His child through a relationship with Jesus. It’s great to see the light in their eyes come on, the hope bubble up from their hearts & most of all…almost a look of relief come across their faces, a look that screams “There is a future & a hope for me” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Hope brings joy, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” (Romans 15:13). So where does that light that hope & that Joy come from? It comes from Jesus Christ & Him alone. When Philip brought Jesus to Samaria…he brought hope & joy. When we bring Jesus to the world…we bring them hope & joy. No hope & joy around your work place, your school, your home? Think about it…are you bringing Jesus?


Monday, February 13, 2012

The True Story of A Real Fake

“What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”
(Philippians 4:9)

In 2002 in the movie, “Catch Me If You Can” Leonardo DiCaprio played the part of real life con artist Frank Abagnale Jr. Mr. Abagnale, born April 27, 1948, is CEO of Abagnale & Associates, security consultants & is known for his history as a former con-man, check forger, imposter, and escape artist.

He became notorious in the 1960s for passing $2.5 million worth of meticulously forged checks across 26 countries over the course of five years, beginning when he was only 16 years old. He claimed to have assumed no fewer than eight separate identities, some of which were an airline pilot, a doctor, a U.S. Bureau of Prisons agent and a lawyer. The man was amazing, at being something he was not. The tagline for the movie was “The true story of a real fake.”

Being fake, may get you a shot at $2.5 million, but it wont make you godly or spiritual. In Philippians 4:8-9 Paul tells us to practice whatever is true, honorable, just, pure lovely, commendable & anything excellent or worthy of praise. Practice these things that you have seen in me, Paul says. Paul says, I’m not faking it, I’m really striving daily to walk with Christ. If you will only do it, you will be transformed into the likeness of Christ.

Don’t do these things to look godly & spiritual, but to become godly & spiritual. Don’t do these things to fake people out & to make them think you are what you‘re not, but strive to live them to become more like Christ. You live them, you allow Christ to live through you, unhindered…people will notice the difference.

“To call yourself a child of God is one thing. To be called a child of God by those who watch your life is another thing altogether.” (Max lucado)


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nothing But A Slab

“For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
(1 Corinthians 3:11)

Back in 2011 Alabama experienced some deadly, destructive tornados which left many with homes & lives totally destroyed. Driving around in theses areas was scary, when you thought about how massive & fast the destruction was. One place that I have had to visit often due to my job in building materials, was a small area called Shoal Creek Valley just north of Pell City Alabama. Shoal Creek Valley is on county road 22, a long strip through what use to be a beautiful valley, until the tornado left twisted trees, scattered debris, concrete slabs where there use to be homes & broken hearts.

While driving through I would always be amazed at the concrete slabs that were often the only reminders of a home ever existing in that place. It made me think about foundations, now our company also pours foundations, but that’s not what I mean. I was thinking about spiritual foundations. 

How often our lives are up & blown away, destroyed sometimes we look at them & they look nothing like we dreamed they would or they seem totally gone, like there’s nothing left. But when that happens, what do you have left? Do you have that foundation? That foundation of Jesus Christ, that stability that when all else is gone…He is still standing strong. Something that can be rebuilt on.

You can lay many foundations in your life. Foundations such as your business, marriage, friends, parents, etc… But what happens when they are gone? Any foundation that you lay in a worldly manor can be taken away. First Corinthians 3:11 tells us that “…no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” When everything is gone, you can be assured that if your foundation is built of Jesus…then when people look at you when you are broken & you feel there is no way you can be a light to show Jesus to the world, know that He can work through your brokenness much better than your strength. Let people see your foundation…that can’t be blown away…let them see Jesus in you, even through the storms.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Zaxby's Lesson

"…my cup overflows.”
(Psalm 23:5)

I was out to eat with one of my sons, at one of our local restaurants, Zaxby’s, when we are at the counter and my son orders, he orders a large "big gulp size" drink…my first thought is, “Hey, we are eating here”, I mean, why get a large cup that you will pay extra for when you can have all you want to drink from the drink fountain. So I said, give him a regular size cup. Found out that he didn’t want to have to get up to refill his cup…lazy teens…LOL.

Why do we think that we have to go and get a bigger cup to catch all the over flow of blessings that God may send our way. In Luke we are told of a story where a man is blessed, and instead of taking the overflow and finding someone to bless he says, “I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods.” God said that he was foolish. We don’t need to build more to hold more; we need to take the overflow and us it to minister, to bless those who God places on our hearts. So take the cup enjoy the blessings it's filled with, and spread the excess. Imagine a world where the body of Christ reached out to the poor and needy, the sick and the homeless, the widow and the orphan. Imagine what would happen if we would have been doing it instead of the government. Instead of people being enslaved by the government, they could have been freed by the King of kings. Instead of people being dependant on Uncle Sam, they would have been independent in Jesus.

Not saying that I’ve always done my part…can’t tell you the number of times I’ve sped up to make the light at the bottom of the off ramp to avoid the guy with the cardboard sign or acted like I was answering my phone when the bell ringer with the kettle spoke to me as I passed by. So don’t hear me judging, heck, I’ve got a tree in my eye. But I believe we could really change lives if we just took the time to look at what we have and look for those who have not, to get into our mind that if we wear the same shirt within a week…we won’t be put to death. That we don’t really need 10 pairs of brown shoes and that I don’t have to have that latest smart phone when I just got one a year ago without the knowledge that the latest was just around the corner.

Look, it’s not about socialism, where the government takes and redistributes, it’s what you do with what God blesses you with…don’t have money or “the finer things”? You still have time, mercy and love…you still have the knowledge of what Christ did for you on the cross…give it. Even if you have “The finer things”, you are still going to need time, mercy and love to give the way Jesus would. It’s not about a government program but a heart filled with the love of Christ Jesus that is willing to stop thinking about themselves & start thinking about the Kingdom.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lost Baggage

"...and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod's household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means.”

(Luke 8:1-3)

I’ve always loved the story of the lady who came to the Pharisee’s house and used her tears and hair to wash Jesus’ feet, then anoints His feet with some alabaster oil. The lady is described as a “sinner” in the story. A “sinner” that the Pharisees condemned and Jesus forgave.

But the neat thing for me is the short section in the next chapter, verses 1-3, it tells of others that followed Jesus, specifically some of the women. It says, “…also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities”. It mentions by name Mary, called Magdalene, tells that she had been freed from not one but seven demons. Joanna, she was the wife of the household manager for Herod, who was one evil dude. You didn’t get a position in his house without having to do some twisted things.

I’ve always thought it would be cool to see a list of names of the people that Jesus allowed to follow him as He traveled around. A list of names and out beside of them, the things that they had done in their lives. Not to judge them, but to see who Jesus truly was and who he traveled with. I mean today, we would consider these women that were named her to have what some might call baggage…baggage that we often in the church have a problem with. Jesus, He had no problem with baggage…unless it was carry-on. Jesus encouraged us to leave our baggage behind. Check it at the gate and skip baggage claims...book it on another flight…lose it…let it go.

You don’t need that baggage when on the journey with Jesus…there’s nothing in them that you need. You don’t need those old regrets, mistakes, past troubles or lusts. No need to pack those broken promises, broken hearts, bad memories or grudges. Leave them behind. Did these ladies have baggage? Yes! Do we? Yes, all of us.

When on journey with Jesus all we need to take is our map & our one-way ticket…good thing is He purchased them for us. Yep, it’s a free trip & He will provide all you need to make it to your destination. So drop the bags and join Him. Leave your past behind you and set out on an unbelievable trip with Jesus.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Small Things

“Success in life is founded upon attention to the small things rather than to the large things; to the everyday things nearest to us rather than to the things that are remote and uncommon.”

(Booker T. Washington)

I was talking in a coffee shop with a good friend one night, he was bubbling & glowing when he spoke about his marriage. He told me how he had gotten home early & fixed dinner for his wife one evening…not planned, just did it. Her reaction, the look on her face & the heartfelt thank you was worth it. He followed that story up with a time when he was very sick, had come in from work & just crashed in his recliner & fell asleep. He awoke to his wife removing his shoes. She knew he was worn out & sick & wanted to make him comfortable. Then he looked at me with excitement & said, “It’s the little things”.

It is the little things. The things we often overlook. The things that we say don’t mean a whole lot; the things that make us smile bigger than a new house or car. The things that money can’t buy, but often purchase memories that last forever. The things that can build or destroy a relationship are little things that really should be the big ones.

After he said that, I scanned the room with that thought in mind. Saw a young couple sitting side by side, he had his laptop checking out the comments he just got from his “too funny” post on his favorite networking site…while his date rested her head on her hand with the look in her eyes like she was at a 3 hour soil conservation lecture. What a great time for the small things to have shown up.

While scanning, I saw another couple, both gazing into their phones like they were watching the return of Jesus on YouTube. Don’t think they ever looked up unless they were taking a sip of their Grande Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel drizzle, they also both drank with their pinkies out. Yep you guessed it, another good place for the small things.

Then I saw a couple come in, they sat down with their favorite drink in one hand & each other’s hand, in the other. No electronic devices present, no recognition of a funny wall post or a cute tweet or even that the place was packed…but a lot of verbal communication & eye contact, as well as a whole lot of small things.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Give It Again

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
(Ephesians 2:8-9)

(Check-out new movie trailer below)

Yea…you’ve don’t it…admit it. You’ve received a gift on a birthday or at Christmas, most of the time it’s at Christmas. You have a party to attend that night & oops, you forgot to buy a gift…“Hey what about that tie that Uncle Bill gave me; you know the one with the fishing Santa” or “What about that make-up kit that Aunt Sally gave me, yea the Tammy Faye starter kit”. You take it, rewrap it, re-transport it to the next sucker…I mean loved one, then you do the unthinkable…yea that’s right, you re-gift it. COME ON!!!! YES YOU HAVE TOO!!!

But, if you are one of those really good people, a Mother Teresa type, who have never re-gifted, I pray that you have or will re-gift in the area that it is totally acceptable & totally expected by Christ, the area of sharing the good news of Jesus, the gift of God. The great thing about this re-gift is that it is priceless. I mean, who re-gifts something that is priceless? It’s not a glow-in-the -dark Garden Gnome, a Shrek Chia Pet or a gift certificate to the newest diet craze…it’s the Way, the Truth & the Life. It’s wisdom, the bread of life, the living water, the light of the world, the rock, the King of king & Lord of lords, a refuge from the storm & our salvation…this gift of God…it is Jesus. So re-gift away.


"God of This City"