Thursday, January 22, 2009

The "C" File

“If your right eye causes you to sin, take it out and throw it away. It is better to lose one part of your body than to have your whole body thrown into hell.” Matthew 5:29
We have a file in our brains I like to call the "C" file or the "crap file". That's where all the crap we allow to go through our eyes & ears & into our mind ends up. It could be pictures from a dirty magazine you looked at as a kid, the movies that you've seen, you know the kind that give you the creeps when they come on while your parents are in the room or maybe the song that’s teetering on the edge of raunchy that you just can't get out of your head…but just like all that other stuff in the old "C" file you can't. Our brains are like computers…I know, people use that analogy all the time, but it's true. It is like a computer, it stores memory, but the only difference is it's got no delete button. It's got no trash bin that you can empty. You can’t destroy the hard drive. Once it's down loaded it's there for ever. But what about when you accept Christ, isn't it just washed away? Nope, when it's in it's in. Programmed, downloaded & burnt. That's why it is so dangerous to be so haphazard with your so called "entertainment". I'm not speaking from a "I've done nothing wrong" stand point, heck I was the kid who looked at those magazines, watched those movies, listen to those songs & to this day still have to fight almost daily temptations because of the "C" file. I can still remember the picture of a "Playboy" book I saw at a young age, at a buddy’s house. Satan at anytime can help pull that up for me when I'm where I think I need to be spiritually.
The above verse doesn't mean to literally rip your eye out, but that it would be better than continuing to sin with them. But like I stated above, your eyes can be a problem, but so can your ears. Music can influence you more than you know. Take it from a dude who grew up on Motley Crue, Black Sabbath, Dio, & others. I wanted to be like them. I wanted the money & the girls. I wanted their life style. But thank God for the power of VH1’s "Behind the Music" these guys have really fallen apart. But their songs did play a major role in my life…a role of rebellion. The music I listened to screamed rebellion against God, parents, teachers, preachers, the police & anyone else of authority. By following that kind of logic, I suffered a great deal. Now, I didn't get sucked in by the subliminal messages heard “clearly” only when you play the record or tape backwards, no the messages that got into my head while playing it forward was more than enough, not to mention those teenage hormones gone berserk, so my musical taste just fueled the fire. But it was my ears & my eyes that filled my "C" file. I can't blame Ozzy, or Satan…wait, aren't they the same, anyway, I did it myself by stupid wrong decisions.
There’s man Ted Bundy a serial killer who had a very bad problem with his “C” file. He was interviewed, by James Dobson, before he was executed for crimes of rape & murder. He was quoted as saying:
“Pornography can reach out and snatch a kid out of any house today. It snatched me out of my home 20, 30 years ago,” he told Dobson. “I’ll tell you, there are lots of other kids playing in streets around the country who are going to be dead tomorrow and the next day and the next day and next month, because other young people are reading the kinds of things and seeing the kinds of things that are available in the media today.”
“Sadly, Bundy was right,” Dobson said. “Pornography has been found in the possession of almost every killer where sex was the motivation, including two of the most notorious serial killers of the last two decades: Green River Killer Gary Leon Ridgeway and BTK Killer Dennis Rader.”For the whole interview go to: Bundy/Dobson Interview , the video of this interview can also be seen on YouTube.

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